Chapter 11

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After the cinema you and Eddie make your way back to his. It was Saturday so mom wouldn't be working and Wayne was working all night. No third wheel and no responsibility, just the way you both liked it.

You ask Eddie if you can take a shower, spend 5 minutes explaining why he can't watch and how weird it is that he would even ask, have the actual shower then make a show of walking out of the bathroom completely naked and wet and into Eddies room, locking the door behind you.

Within seconds Eddie is banging on the door dramatically, fake crying and begging to be let in.
"Please Princess! I'll die if you don't let me in"
You roll your eyes to yourself "No you won't. I'll be out in a minute, there better be beer waiting for me when I am!" You shout back.
You don't see Eddie giving you a salute behind the door "Yes ma'am!" He says then leaves you alone.

You throw on one of Eddies Iron Maiden t shirts and your underwear and nothing else. As you walk back out to the living room Eddies mouth falls open and he almost drops his drink.
"It definitely looks better on you" he whispers in awe.

You take a seat next to him, take your drink from him and rest your legs on his. He rubs your feet and stares at you, not saying anything, just smiling.
"What? Why are you staring at me?" You ask, worried something was wrong.
"Nothing, I just never thought I'd see you in an Iron Maiden t shirt, that's all"
"What are you talking about I wear band t shirts all the time? I just don't have an Iron Maiden one"
"Yeah but not good band t shirts" he mutters.
You almost spit your drink out "Sorry is there something wrong with the music I like?" You ask, already on edge at the way this conversation might go.
"No, if you like it then that's fine, I'm not judging" he says, not seeing anything wrong with what he's saying.
"Oh good, thank you for that"
"Just, you know, Pink Floyd isn't exactly great music is it?" he says condescendingly.
"What the fuck are you talking about? Dark Side of the Moon is one of the greatest albums ever written!"
Eddie shakes his head "Nah, it won't hold up the way people think it will"
"You know what Eddie, you're just a music snob"
His head snaps round to you "No I'm fucking not"
You nod "Yes you are. If it isn't music you like then it's shit. No-ones allowed to like anything you don't because it makes them an idiot. I like Pink Floyd, I like Fleetwood Mac, I like Kate Bush. Get the fuck over it"
"Princess I'm not arguing with you over music"
"Yes you are, you're being really patronising and it's pissing me off!" You shout as you get up from the couch.
"Where are you going?" He asks as he watches you walk back to his bedroom.
You come back out, this time with your jeans on and in the process of putting your converse on. You curse at the old shoes being too broken to easily slip on anymore.

"Princess please don't go home. I'm sorry ok" he pleads, getting off the couch and standing in front of the door.
"You're not though! You made me feel like one of the other people you complain about, I'm not someone you can just pass judgement on, even about something as small at music taste"

He stays firmly in front of the door, refusing to move.
"Eddie get out of my way. I'm not in the mood for this now"
He shakes his head "No, we're talking this through. This is our first argument and we aren't going to be one of those couples that walk away when we're arguing"
You hit his chest, so hard he falls back against the door. He looks at you shocked, not sure what to do.
As you go to do it again he grabs both your wrists and pushes you backwards, pushing you into a side table behind you. You flinch as you hear things fall off it and onto the floor.

"Now look what you've done!" You yell at him.
"Calm the fuck down!" He yells back.
You struggle against his hands, still holding firmly onto your wrists. Your arms start to ache with how tightly they're being pressed against your chest.
"Let me go!" You scream at him.
He finally loosens his grip. "Just don't push me again" he says calmly.
You walk around him to the door and he grabs your arm, pulling you back in.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" he says, his other hand touching your cheek.
You bat it away from you and stare at him furiously.

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