Chapter 23

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Steve steps forward to the open front door and peers inside, none of you dare even breathe incase somethings in there waiting to strike.
After a minute or so Steve beckons you all forward and you step inside.

It was your house, for sure, but like it had burnt down without coming down. Everything looked like it was covered in several layers of ash, everything the same charcoal colour. As you entered the lights began to flicker and the tv sprung to life, sound waves of static pulsing through your ears.

You leap over the filthy couch and hit the off button and the house falls silent again.
"It happened in Y/Ns room, Eddie would have had to be there for the signal to come through" Nancy whispers.

You all assess the stairs. There's no way they would handle all of you walking up there.
"Me and Steve will go, you two stay down here and make sure nothing gets in" you say.

You gingerly step on the first step and freeze as it creaks under you.
Everyone holds their breath, waiting for a surprise attack but nothing.
You continue up, carefully stepping to the sides of the steps where it seemed more stable.
As you gain confidence you notice it, streaks of blood smeared across them.

Something had dragged itself up them and it was bleeding.


"Y/N stop!" Steve hisses as you gain speed, sprinting up the stairs and towards your room.
You freeze in place as something appears in the doorway of what would be Dustins bedroom. It looked like a dog but it's face... it was open, almost flower shaped. Teeth lined each crimson red 'petal'. It turned and faced you. It backed up and growled, making your heart start to race.

Y/N you're so close. You have to get to Eddie

Steve steps in front of you and takes one large swing with his bat, sending it flying across the landing. You step forward and ram the prongs of the pitchfork into its grotesque face. The creature contorts on the floor for a few seconds before growing limp. You rest your foot on its body as you try to pull your weapon from it. There was more resistance than you thought there would be, you'd used enough force to bury the end of the prongs into the wood of the floor underneath.

"Leave it, I've got you" Steve eventually says. You hesitate then remember finding Eddie was more important, who knows if that thing got to him before you guys would.

You both step over the dead monster and towards your bedroom. You push the almost closed door open and gasp, a mix of relief and shock.

Eddie was sat on the floor, propped up against your bed. His white shirt was covered in blood and his skin was filthy.

You run to his side, holding your fingers to his throat. "Steve there's a pulse!" You whisper.
Steve hands you his bat and picks Eddie up, throwing him over his shoulder.

You both head back downstairs, being extra careful not to make too much noise. You didn't have time to take on anything else, you had to get Eddie back to the car where you'd left the first aid supplies.

"Oh my god" Dustin whispers when he sees Eddie slung over Steve's shoulder. A look of guilt on his face.
"Dustin now isn't the time. We have to go and we have to go now" you say.
Nancy stays in front of the group, Dustin and Steve in the middle and you at the back.
You walk back through the way you came, you were extra vigilant for any surprises this time.

You were almost at the trailer when you hear an ear piercing shriek behind you.
"Demogorgan!" Dustin yells. As you turn, ready to swipe with Steve's bat, you see the monsters head explode as Dustin takes aim with the shotgun and doesn't miss, the bullet whistling past your ear. Way too close for your liking.

"Dustin you could have killed me!" You hiss, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Come on, we need to keep moving" Steve says, his shoulder was starting to ache with Eddies weight on it.

When you see the trailer you all sprint towards it, entering cautiously.
When you see the coast is clear you run to the opening, back to the real world. You and Nancy enter first, leaning back down to grab Eddie from Steve and dragging him up onto the floor. You both help Steve and Dustin back up and Steve takes Eddie onto his shoulder again and you all sprint towards the car, quickly acting to get Eddie into it before anyone saw.

Steve throws him onto the backseat as you climb in next to him, resting his head on your lap as Steve and Dustin get in the front. Nancy gets in the other side of the backseat, armed with the first aid kid.

"Steve drive!" You yell. Steve hightails it out of the trailer park.
"Where am I driving?!" He shouts.
"I don't know yet just drive until we think of something" you respond.

Your voices stir Eddie, his eyes blinking open sleepily.
"Pri...princess" he gasps.
You shush him "Eddie you're really hurt. Please stay still"
He winced as Nancy pulls back his shirt and you see multiple bite marks across his chest and torso.
"Oh my god" you murmur "Demobats?" You ask the group.
Dustin nods silently, his head in his hands.
"I left him. I just left him" he sobs.

You let Nancy patch Eddie up as you rest your hand on Dustins shoulder as comfort.
"You didn't know. Don't blame yourself" you soothe.

"Princess...I'm... you came for me" Eddie croaks.
You look down at him, horrified that would ever have been in question.
"Of course I did" you whisper.
"Eddie this is going to hurt" Nancy says, a split second later Eddie cries out as vodka is splashed on his wounds.
You stroke his hair and try to quiet him as Nancy applies bandages.
"There's only so much I can do in here. He might have other wounds I can't get to. We need to find somewhere to stop" she says.

"I know somewhere" Dustin says.

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