Chapter 7

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Dustin hadn't spoken to you since that night and you spent the next few days avoiding Eddie as much as you could. To say you were feeling low would have been putting it lightly.

Until you literally bump  into him in the hall.

You aren't watching where you're going, you had a free period so the halls were empty, you figure you're safe to carry on walking while you fiddled with your Walkman. That's how you collide directly into Eddie.

You both mumble an apology, not sure what to do.
"Eddie, listen I-"
He holds his hand up to stop you. "My uncle told me he saw you and he told me what he told you. He's a stupid old man, he likes to talk shit" he says, quite coldly.
A bit taken aback by this, you return the chilly demeanour.
"Oh ok, phew! I was a bit worried this meant more to you than I realised. It was just a stupid moment, we were both pretty high" you keep your face expressionless.
"Oh yeah totally. Already forgotten!" He says, smiling widely. You try and hide how much looking into his eyes made you want to kiss him.
"Hey Prince... Y/N... can you let Henderson know there's a game tonight? The campaigns heating up, I haven't seen him yet"
"He isn't talking to me at the moment. We had an argument" you respond quietly.
Eddie nods, realising it was probably about him.
"Huh, ok. Well I suppose I can track him down. Getting kicked out of class has its upside" he says, putting two thumbs up sarcastically.

You smile "Anyway, see you around" you say as you walk away, hoping saying those words to him hurt him as much as they did when he said them to you.


"Y/N I need you to pick your brother up tonight. I'm working late again and it's raining, please don't make him walk home in this" your mom asks as she leaves for work.
You roll your eyes.

Great, yeah I'll pick Dustin up and have an awkward car journey with him and no doubt Mike who won't take the hint that somethings wrong so will be talking the whole time about stuff I don't care about

Instead of saying what you're thinking, "yeah sure mom, no problem" you respond.

She smiles and blows a kiss as she heads out the door.


You waited until 9 before you set off to pick Dustin up. It was barely raining now so you figured he was likely to be waiting near the school entrance like usual. As you reach the pick up and drop off point, you see it's empty. No sign of Dustin or Mike.
You loop back round to the car park and sit for 10 minutes before you start to get annoyed. What is taking him so long?
You climb out of your car and yell his name a few times, no response from anything or anyone.

Dustin please don't make me have to come in there you think to yourself anxiously.

After 20 minutes you decide you have no choice. You head into the school. All the lights are on in the hall so you know someone's here, you make your way to their usual classroom, listening out for the voices you've heard before but there's nothing. Just silence.

You reach the classroom and push the door open, not locked, surely they're here then?
You enter the room and see Eddie sat alone at the table, staring at the wall on the opposite side of the room.

"Eddie, is Dustin still here? Mom asked me to pick him up. I've been here 20 minutes but I haven't seen him"
Eddie jumps at the sound of your voice, he was clearly too deep in thought to see or hear you come in.
"No, they left about half an hour ago. You probably just missed him"
"For fuck sake. Ok, thanks anyway"
"Oh Y/N before you go" he reaches down next to him and throws something towards you, your top from that night that you couldn't find.
"Sorry it took so long, I was going to give it to Dustin to give to you but never found the courage to ask him" he says quietly.
He returns his stare to the wall, slipping right back into his thoughts.
"Hey Eddie, you ok?" You ask, genuinely concerned.
"Me? Oh yeah fantastic" he says sarcastically.
"Look you don't have to be so rude". You're raising your voice now, he's starting to get to you.
"I'm not. Just leave me alone" he says, his voice getting louder too
"Eddie please talk to me. Why can't we just go back to how we were before that night?"
He finally turns to look at you, his dark eyes even darker with anger.
"Because I can't stop thinking about you! It's been that way for months now and finally I had a chance with you and you took it back. I'm allowed to be frustrated!" He's almost shouting now.

"I'm sorry" is all you manage to say quietly, fighting back the tears.

He sighs and lowers his voices
"I know, I'm sorry. I understand, I do. I was just so happy that night and then it all ended the way it did. It was just... a lot"
You take a seat next to him, placing your hand on his.
"It isn't you. I loved that night, I promise. I just... can't. You know why" you say gently.

He flips his hand over and grips yours, he looks down at your hands entwined and breathes deeply before looking at you with his big dark eyes. You try not to return the stare, knowing if you do you'll lose control of yourself.

"You know, the guys used to make fun of me. I once called you Henderson's hot sister and it stuck. Not so much anymore, it died out pretty quickly but I could tell it bothered Dustin. You said he idolises me, well I think he idolises you more"

Your insides clench, you knew that's why Dustin was so upset but having it confirmed felt so much worse.
If they found out you and Eddie were a thing, Dustin would never hear the end of it.

You stroke Eddies hand with your thumb, running it over his rings. Your mind flashes back to how good those fingers felt on you, in you. You feel yourself growing wet at the memory.
Eddie sees your breath catch for a second as you try to calm down.
He moves his chair closer to you, leaning in to your ear. "I never did return the favour" he whispers.

You can't stop yourself, your lips press against his and you're lost. All rational thought, guilt, sense of loyalty goes out of the window and you're his again.

Without hesitating Eddie picks you up from the chair by your legs and sits you on the edge of the table, your lips and tongues furiously fighting each other for control. His hands explore your body as he tears your clothes from you, frantically needing you at his will completely.

As he finally pulls your panties from you he stands back, admiring the view in front of him. He pulls his shirt off, letting it join the pile on the floor. He goes to remove his jeans but you pull him in by his belt. "Let me" you growl.
You make quick work of undoing his belt and pushing his jeans and pants to the floor. He grins as he kisses you again softly, distracting you long enough to allow his hand to wrap around your throat so he can push you down onto the table underneath.

"Do you want this princess?" He pants.
You nod desperately. "Yes" you croak.
You feel him enter you slowly, feeling each inch fill you up. Each time he pauses to allow you to get used to him. As he fully enters you he leans down, his lips agonisingly close to yours as he pulls out completely, then puts all his force into pounding into you. You gasp in pain and the most intense pleasure you've ever felt. You wrap your legs around him tight, keeping him where he is.
He keeps this movement up for longer than you felt was humanly possible, each time completely pulling out then back in, harder and faster each time. Not content with how deep he is he grabs your leg and puts it over his shoulder, allowing more access into you.
He places his thumb against your clit, rubbing it slowly as his hips continue their onslaught. You don't know how much more you can take before you explode.

"Cum for me Princess" he moans "I need you to cum around me"

Hearing the nickname you've longed to hear for days pushes you over the edge. You can't control yourself as you scream his name, the room suddenly filling with cries and moans of pure ecstasy. He loosens his grip on your throat as you ride out the most intense orgasm you've ever had. He groans at the sensation of you tightening even more around him, watching your body writhe and shiver underneath him.

He pulls out of you and pulls you from the table. He pushes you to your knees and you instinctively take his now throbbing cock into your mouth, you moan as you taste yourself on him. The vibration of your throat makes him shudder, he quickly holds on to the table for support.

"Good girl" he groans.

He lets you take control this time. You rub his shaft in a corkscrew motion as your lips and tongue suck on the head. You can feel his whole cock throbbing in your palm, he was close and you wanted to get him there.
You look up at him, both of you locking eyes. You hold his gaze until you feel the familiar twitch and your mouth fills with his load. He shudders and groans your name until the very last drop hits your tongue.

You collapse back onto the floor, exhausted and satisfied. Eddie sits in the chair, trying to catch his breath.
"Well Princess, is there any going back from that?" He eventually says, his breathlessness making him sound even sexier.

You shake your head. There really wasn't.

And in this moment you truly didn't care.

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