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"B? B, you copy?" was not what Bella wanted to hear right now. She was reading a book, so she tried to ignore it, thinking that Dustin would get the hint. The repeated mention of her name, however, managed to break her composure. She grabbed her walkie talkie and shouted.

 "Leave me alone, Dustin!"

"C'mon B! Don't tell me you forgot!"

Although Annabelle wasn't one to forget easily, this time she had to admit that it slipped her mind. 

"I've got 4 quarters, what's your haul?" Dustin continued, stopping her train of thoughts and forcing her to leave the book on the bed, while simultaneously jumping to the floor.

"One second!" Bella shouted, trying to find her piggy bank. Thankfully, it was right where she left it. She mumbled an "I am sorry", smacking it on the floor and thus causing it to break. She counted 12 dollars. "Damn, all that hard work paid off huh?" her inner self praised.

"12 Dollars is all I've got." announced the blonde girl, hoping that the rest of the group had less.

"Holy shit, how?!" was the answer she was hoping for. With a grin that she did indeed have more than him, Annabelle continued. "I have no time to explain right now, call Mike, Will and Lucas! Over and Out!"

Bella rushed to get dressed, looking forward to play with her friends. Looking at her hoodies, she picked her favorite blue one and some jeans. She used to care about her looks, back when she was "popular", but all that changed after her disappearance. Yeah, she still "ruled" her school, but it wasn't the same, and her "popular" friends could feel it. If you could even "ruling" as having people turn the other way when she neared. She supposed that having authority was good, but not when you are only trying to speak like a normal person and not the "zombie girl" from last year.

She looked out the window, the still settling darkness outside scaring her. As much as she hated doing this, she had to.

"Please Emma, take me to the arcade! Pleasee!" the blue-eyed girl begged her sister, pathetic feeling slipping through her body.

"No way, you are big enough to bike there. Learn to act like an adult, Jesus," her sister complained from the other room, but didn't end there. Quietly making her way to Annabelle, she scolded her with her eyes. "Just because I've got my driver's license doesn't mean you should exploit me."

Bella looked in her sister's eyes, barely holding herself from crying. Fake crying was something she found quite useful, and it wasn't like her self esteem could go any lower.

"Fine," Emma huffed, grabbing her keys. "Just because I love you, Annabelle."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" the younger girl cheered next to her clearly annoyed sister, swiftly putting on her jacket and running outside.

As Emma was walking to her car, Bella was already there, waiting in anticipation.

"C'mon!" she shouted, causing Emma to walk even slower.

"Don't challenge me, child."

"Fine. Just please hurry, Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Will are all waiting for me!"

Emma got into the car, turning on the radio and revving the car two times before slowly driving off. "Damn, for someone that has a drivers license, you sure know how to make me regret getting in your car." Bella said jokingly, although hiding a hint of truth. Emma rolled her eyes as she continued driving, unbothered by the comment and instead trying to understand why Bella still talks to them. After all, they did not talk to her for months, and suddenly they contact her and it's as if nothing happened.

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now