45. Flambé

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~~~Before you begin reading this chapter, I made some changes on the previous one that are kind-of important to the story. I suggest rereading from the point where Bella finds her true powers~~~

~~~ And without further ado, enjoy~~~

Emma's vision was getting blurry due to the sheer force that the vines used around her neck. By that point, she was sure that she wouldn't be able to save her sister, or anyone for that matter. Not only did she fail the only family member she cared about, but the faith of the entire world.

Exactly the same thoughts were running through every single of her friend's minds. In-fact, she could barely even tell the expression that Robin was making, but her whimpers and cries for help spoke for themselves.

That is, until the vines retracted out of nowhere, dropping all four of them to the ground, with Nancy falling face-first on Emma, while Steve coughed, unable to catch up onto the oxygen he lost.

"Fuck," Emma moved Nancy from herself, helping her to get up while a headache crawled it's way to her body "Are you all okay?"

"Yeah." Steve inhaled rapidly while Robin nodded silently, both of them still on the ground.

"I don't believe in a higher power or divine intervention..." the blue-eyed brunette began, taking Emma's hand for support to get up, "But that was a miracle."

"It wasn't a miracle." Nancy mumbled, "It was Bella. I am sure it was."

Just the mention of her sister's name made Emma tense up, grabbing the shotgun that fell on the ground and getting ready to finish the last step of their carefully constructed plan. Now, with no vines on the ground, they were able to end this once and for all.

"Let's go." Emma quickly wiped the tears beginning to form in her eyes and turned back to the second floor stairs.

"Phase 4." Steve grabbed the axe off of the ground and made careful steps to the stairs, everyone following close behind.

"Flambé." Robin nodded at her girlfriend, intertwining their hands for a second before letting go completely and holding a make-shift bomb with both hands.


El was the only one left in Vecna's mind, holding him in the air and not letting go for a second. He was pinned against one of the pillars, if they could even be called that. The girl wasn't sure if she saved Bella at all, but just the fact that her two friends weren't there with her, but rather somewhere safer, gave her a kind of comfort.

"Don't you understand, Eleven..," Vecna's voice echoed around, his head restricted from moving, "You can't stop me."

"I can't." the brunette tightened the grip she had on him, "But she will."

"It is too late for her now." his dry laugh echoed shortly while Eleven's heart dropped to her feet.

"Liar!" she yelled, completely unsure if he was bluffing or not, but unable to hide the anger in her voice upon hearing his words. He was responsible for all this pain, all this suffering.

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