14. Suzie, Do You Copy?

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"Call me" by Blondie could be heard around the whole house as Max and Bella danced around in ecstasy. This was not something unusual, as this was their favorite song, and they would often have "concerts".

"Hey!" Emma barged into the room, "Tone it down a bit! The neighbors will call the police because of you two!". Bella stopped jumping on the bed and quickly turned down the volume to please her sister.

"There, now leave us alone." Bella said, and her sister obliged. The blonde quickly closed the door after Emma and went back to her bed. This time Max sat next to her, the ginger girl's face full of joy. The music could still be faintly heard as Annabelle pulled her girlfriend into a kiss.

Bella felt Max's soft lips on her own, the sensation taking over her entire body. Every time they kissed, it was like the first time. Her lips were warm and hungry.  They parted slightly, allowing Bella's tongue to slip inside.

"We have to go." Max managed to say as she pulled away from the kiss, mainly to catch her breath, "It is almost time for the movie and Lucas will kill us if we start acting like El and Mike."

"Maybe I want to act like them" Bella pulled Max for another quick kiss, "but you're right, I have been dying to watch that movie. Are you going to sleepover after?"

"Oh, you already know it." Max grinned and stood up, dragging Bella along. Soon enough, both girls were on Bella's bike, cycling towards the cinema.


"Hello there, stalkers!" Max jumped from the bike and made her way towards Lucas and Will. Thanks to Bella driving like a maniac and almost killing them three times, they arrived 10 minutes before the movie started.

"Hey" the two boys answered, clearly annoyed, "We are still waiting for him."

"No surprise here." Bella sighed, "I don't understand why he can't just come on time."

"Oh, don't you now?" Max smirked and Bella felt her face getting hotter.

"There he is." Lucas sighed, "You're late."

"Sorry!" Mike rushed to place his bike on the holder.

"Again." Max rolled her eyes.

"We are going to miss the opening!" Will pouted.

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go!" Mike replied.

" 'If you guys keep whining about it.' Nyeh- nyeh-nyeh." Lucas said as he watched Mike pace inside the mall.

"Just please stop talking, dude." the raven-haired boy said in a desperate attempt to stop his friend.

"Let me guess." Bella started, "You were busy". Lucas helped her by smacking his lips to imitate a kiss.

"Oh yeah, real mature Lucas."

"Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas imitated him.

"Lucas, stop." Max rolled her eyes.

"Will and Bella think it's funny!"

"Because it is!" Will and Bella said at the same time.

"Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." it was now Mike's turn to roll his eyes.

"I am spending romantic time with my girlfriend!" Bella said as she wrapped her arm around Max.

The group then had to pass thousands of people in an attempt to get to the movie on time. It just so happened that Lucas's sister was there as well.

"Watch it, nerd!" Erica yelled at her brother.

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