38. Schedule

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~~~ I think we all deserved some wholesomeness, before we pick up the serious stuff again. This chapter is more than 8k words, so enjoy ~~~

The sun slowly, but surely hid behind the horizon, allowing the darkness to take over the world. With it, all the birds put a halt to their songs, giving a perfect opportunity for Bella's whimpers to echo around the road. The blonde girl was still in her girlfriend's arms, neither daring to break the position they were in.

"You kept your promise..." Bella whispered, opening her eyes to look at the stars in the sky. The various formations they always stood in amazed the girl, and she couldn't be happier to see them again. See her friends again.

"Of course, I told you." Max's voice was shaking, still unsure if she was dreaming. Her girlfriend survived. They saved her.

"DUSTIN, DO YOU COPY?!" the teens looked around to see the walkie talkie that was laying on the ground. Emma's voice was shaking as she frantically repeated the same sentence over and over again. Dustin picked it up, but didn't answer yet. Instead, he went to the two girls and held the device in his hand.

"Do you want to do the honours?" the boy asked and Steve grinned from ear to ear. Lucas suppressed a laugh watching the whole thing. He couldn't be any happier to see their interactions.

Annabelle shifted her gaze to the walkie talkie that her friend was holding. She looked at his eyes before nodding and taking the device.

"Emma." she simply said, her voice below a whisper, "You did it. I survived."

After that it was radio silence as Max helped her girlfriend to stand up.

"I love you Bella." Emma's shaken up voice was heard after a while, accompanied by two other female voices.

"I knew you were gonna survive, lil' Winston." Robin's happy voice followed, right before Nancy chimed in.

"I am so proud of you, B." She said as Bella could faintly hear her sister's sobs.

"Can I remove the headphones now?" Bella questioned once she registered the music that was blasting in her ears. Not that she complained, this song saved her life, but becoming deaf because of the loud volume wasn't in her plans.

"Yes." Dustin, Lucas and Steve said, all at the same time. Someone, however, disagreed.

"No!" Max said as she lowered the volume a bit, but didn't turn it off completely, "What if it happens again? It's better to keep them on."

"Red..." Bella gave her girlfriend a quick peck on the lips and after that put the song on pause, "It's over. He can't get me."

"We don't know that." Max defended, crossing her arms in front of her chest as her girlfriend laughed.

"Yes, we do." Bella smiled, "Call it a feeling, but I think that he won't be going after me anymore."

"Still, headphones on at all times." Max responded, "Just in case, Love. Please."

"C'mon love birds." Lucas laughed at the two girls and pointed at the car, "Let's go."

Before they complied to his request, Max made sure to take a look in her girlfriend's ocean blue eyes. Last time she did that, she saw someone sad, broken, traumatized. And although nothing much happened, and Bella remained just as sad, her eyes had the spark from when they first met.

"I love you, B." Max said, getting lost in the blonde girl's eyes.

"I love you too, Red." Bella smiled, genuinely, "Where is my backpack?"

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now