12. The Snow Ball Of '84

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One month passed way quicker than Bella expected. Going on dates almost every single day definitely helped with that. The blonde girl had fun for the first time in months. Spending time with her girlfriend and her friend group made her appreciate being a kid. A lot of things however changed. Annabelle came out to her dad as a bisexual with preference towards women. Mr. Winston had a hard time accepting that he will most likely not have any grandchildren, but it made him happy to see his daughter happy. Emma managed to get herself into a relationship, although she still hasn't revealed who the lucky guy is.

The two sisters made a pact - that they will always be there for each other, no matter how bad the situation might be. The brunette kept her promise and hasn't told anyone about her sister's powers. Meanwhile Bella has made huge progress using them. Although busy spending time with her boyfriend, Eleven made sure to regularly help her best friend practice. At first it was complicated as El had hard time explaining how exactly she uses her powers, but eventually Bella got the hang of it. Now she doesn't really think before using her powers, which sometimes catches either Max or Emma off guard.

The older sister had to sit down Bella along with Max and explain to them that "Having powers is cool, but keeping them secret is even cooler". Max of course agreed, but Bella decided that using them to scare Emma is fair game. Nothing more than that.

As for Max - the ginger girl couldn't be any happier. Although her and El don't really get along, they had to sometimes endure each other either because of Bella or group gatherings. The Redhead decided to not pay attention to Eleven as they barely even saw each other and creating unnecessary drama was useless.

Thankfully after Bella's help Billy didn't bother the group anymore. He was still an idiot and hated both Bella and Lucas, but at least he lets them go out without a lot of complaining. Max tried to also come out to her parents, but almost got beaten up in the process, so she thought that it would be better if she kept her mouth closed. Bella supported that and explained to her that she is always welcome in her house, no matter the circumstances.

Now every single member of the group, including the older ones, is preparing for the festive school dance of 1984. It is held annually on 15th December. Although some people may define it as "cheesy" the teens didn't share that opinion. In fact some of them started preparing hours before it, just to make sure that they look perfect.


"Emma!" Bella yelled as she was trying to find the perfect dress. This "searching" has been going on for at least 2 hours now and the older sister was extremely tired from having to give opinion on every single little thing.


"I need to know what you think about this one!"

"Bella, oh my God, you look good in everything..." Emma stopped as she entered the room and saw the dress that her sister was wearing. Contrary to what Bella says, pink was definitely one of her favourite colours and one that suited her well. "You look amazing. Wow."

"Are you sure? Is Max gonna like it?"

"B, she already likes you. Hell, I have seen you two make out more times than needed and I can tell you one thing - this girl is drooling over you. So it doesn't matter what you wear. Although I can't say that this dress doesn't suit you well. You will steal the crown." Emma chuckled as she kept going around the girl to inspect the dress. It was a long pink dress that goes a little above the knees.

"Thank you, E. Are you coming as well?"

"Ah, I don't know about this one, B. It's been a while since I attended this and I don't really have anyone to go with." Bella frowned as she heard that. Of course her sister had someone to go with, she was in a relationship.

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