27. 3 AM

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A usual room in Hawkins Hospital had exactly 3 beds. One in the middle and two on each side of the room. In front of each bed there was a table, that people would usually leave flowers on.

Right now, however, that was not the case. 

Due to all the monitors and devices, that had to be placed around Annabelle, the gray room could only fit one bed along with a table and a sofa.

It has been a little over 3 weeks and the doctors haven't recorded any signs of Bella's condition getting better. Due to their dad's money, Emma was allowed to stay with her sister as much as she wants. Max would come and go every day, which more or less gave the brunette something to look forward to.

Mr. Winston had to go work again, but this time it was different. Emma felt that he actually wanted to change, wanted to do something for his daughters. The man would call every night and every morning to check up on Bella's condition. Something, that he has never done before.

The party would visit every two days as well. Emma had actually warmed up to some of them. Even if they were before, the brunette could see that they aren't assholes.

Robin and Steve, much like Max, would come almost every single day. The difference being, that they couldn't stay throughout the entire visiting hours, because they were going from job to job. Emma had told Robin that she doesn't need to work, at least not for now, but the blue-eyed brunette had refused to take money from her.

Billy's condition gets better every day, and Max couldn't be happier. Although hard due to the pain and the casters around his hand and leg, he could move and didn't need to stay in the hospital anymore. His dad decided that all of this town was too much for him, so Max wasn't surprised when she came home and her mom and step-dad were nowhere to be found.

For the time being, the Redhead was staying in her girlfriend's house. Emma didn't want to leave the girl alone with Billy and Max was more than happy to accept the offer to stay with them. It's not like that's a big change anyway, the ginger girl had slept there numerous times.

Naturally, Emma and Max would go help out Billy with food and money, but the brunette still hasn't warmed up to him. He seemed to have changed, but the older girl was cautious as to not lose the only girl her sister loved.


It was barely half an hour after Max went to check up on Billy. Emma's tiredness was catching up on her as she stood on the sofa, listening to the steady beeps from the monitors. The brunette's eyes were glued to her sister, laying on the bed in front of her. Bella looked peaceful, like she was just taking a nap. But Emma knew that this wasn't the case.

The older girl closed her eyes as she felt a comfortable warmness hit her. She welcomed it mindlessly, just trying to enjoy the moment as much as she can. Once her eyes fluttered open, the feeling was still there, but she wasn't in the hospital anymore. No, this time, in front of her stood Robin.

"Huh?" the girl hummed, looking at the brunette grinning in front of her. She looked around, trying to get a better understanding of what was happening. The location she was currently in was Lover's Lake, exactly the place she went on her first date with Robin.

Emma gasped as she realized that she was reliving a moment from the past. A memory. Which means that she had fallen asleep and is currently lucid dreaming. Standing up, the memory had changed completely.

She was now located in front of a hospital, a gut feeling telling her to go inside. So she did. Passing different people, it didn't take much time for the memory and building to change again. If she was lucid dreaming, why couldn't she control her surroundings? Wasn't this what lucid dreaming was all about?

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