The Prettiest Girl I Have Ever Seen

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"You are the key." Eleven spoke, holding her hand as Max looked at them terrified for her girlfriend.

"I-I am?" Bella spoke, feeling her legs starting to give out and that the only reason she was still able to stand up straight was her girlfriend's tight grip on her.

"He thinks you are dead." Eleven elaborated, "He thinks he won. Because you are the only one that can stop him. We are."

"El..." Bella leaned on her girlfriend, "What if I am not good enough?"

"You are." El whispered, "You have to be."

Bella bit back a couple of sobs, while Max hugged her tightly.

"One last time, baby." Max whispered, "I love you, Annabelle Winston."

"I love you too, Maxine Mayfield..." Bella answered, her voice weak and below a whisper.

Yes, she might be at her lowest point. But she was going to change that. She was going to fight. For her girlfriend. For her friends. For Eddie.

"One last time." Bella said.

"That's my girl." Max silently whispered, holding her as tight as she could while Annabelle wiped the wet trails from her face. The blonde felt herself getting lost in her thoughts, trying to ignore the pain that was about to come and enjoy her girlfriend's embrace.

"CUT!" one of the directors yelled loud enough for everyone on set to hear. Immediately, the actors snapped out of their roles and with a smile hugged each other. For most people there, this was the last scene to be filmed, so they would be going into a much deserved break for what seems like a long time.

"Well done." Winona hugged everyone individually, before her and David left to finish their characters' story line. To Annabelle, it was unknown why the directors would film the final scene before ending their story, but she would never question the Duffer Brothers.

"Need help?" Noah, one of her co-stars, asked with a smile. She returned the gesture, before taking his hand and standing up from her spot. Now, most of the people cleared from set, leaving her, Noah, Millie and Sadie the only actors there. But of course, they wouldn't be unsupervised, as a director approached them before she could talk with her friends.

"Annabelle?" Matt, the producer neared her. She knew this was going to be either very good or extremely awful.

"Yes?" the blonde responded, trying to hide the nervousness showing on her face. Of course, they have had many talks, but he never approached her specifically.

"Can I talk to you and Sadie privately?" he smiled and the two girls looked at each other with risen brows. Millie was the first one to break the silence with a laugh, and an 'Oooh' sound. Noah, of course, laughed alongside her as the two other girls mentally flipped them off, before agreeing and following the man closely.

The entire time, they walked in silence, with Annabelle thinking of every single thing she could have possibly done wrong. Looking to her left, she was met with just as equally nervous Sadie, that seemed to send her a reassuring smile. Soon, they were both sitting next to each other, in the producer's office.

"I know you two have an interview tonight," Matt began , clearing his throat. He himself seemed on edge, for unknown to the girls reasons "Please be aware of how much you share about the upcoming season. Noah already spoiled about some characters' deaths, and we don't want more to go out in the public."

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