47. Reunion

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~~~ If you want a mood setter, I suggested playing 'I wanna be yours' by Arctic Monkeys, that's what I have been listening while writing as well ~~

~~~ Anyway, enjoy. ~~~

The sun slowly crawled over the horizon, waking up whoever is left in the small town, known as Hawkins. It was very early in the morning, but despite that, people were frantically running around, collecting their belongings and placing them in their vehicles, ready to leave the town once and for all. The noise outside, combined with the sun beams going through the open window, woke up the two peacefully sleeping girls.

Immediately, Bella felt a bit better. Yes, her muscles still ached and her body was still begging her for more sleep, but it wasn't as bad as the previous day. Max sat up straight with a yawn, before looking back at her girlfriend.

"Hey." Bella smiled from her position, using her elbows as a support to lift herself from the bed. The Redhead immediately returned the smile, "Hey. How are you feeling?"

Annabelle thought for a bit, before slowly lifting herself completely, now sitting on their bed, "I am tired, but definitely better than yesterday." The ginger girl beamed upon her words, feeling better herself after hearing them.

"You can't imagine how happy I am to hear that." Max laughed, standing up from her bed and going through their dresser in hopes of finding anything that would match their style. Finding clothes for herself was easy, ever since the battle in the mall, she was wearing dark-themed clothes. So any dark hoodie, preferably blue one, along with jeans matched her perfectly. But Bella? She never knew what her mood would be, if she wants to wear hoodies or dresses, what color would she want them in.

So, once she raided their dresser, finding a plain blue shirt and jeans, she immediately put them on. Now, the hard part.

"What do you feel like wearing?" she turned around to face her smiling girlfriend. Bella hummed, thinking about it herself. Fairly certain that she can pull it off, she stood up from the bed, darkness filling her peripheral vision. She leaned on the wall, with Max immediately next to her, holding her body and asking if she is alright.

"Just gimme a bit." Bella whispered, feeling her vision slowly clear. A minute or two after, she was able to see clearly, though with tiny little white dots here and there, that were only visible when she looked at black surface.

"Doing okay?" Max questioned, still supporting Annabelle to stand up-straight. With a sigh, she nodded, stabilizing herself. Once the Redhead felt that her girlfriend was able to support her own weight, she let go, although hesitantly.

With small and careful steps, she made her way to her wardrobe, inspecting the clothes in there. To be real, she herself had no idea what she wanted to wear. But upon seeing some shirts that her girlfriend used to wear when they first met, she knew it was the perfect thing. With a smile, she grabbed a white shirt with rainbow strips all over it, along with loose blue jeans. Max recognized them, a soft smile crawling on her face.

"You look good in my clothes." she remarked with a chuckle when Bella finished changing. Immediately, she felt herself relax, the smell of her girlfriend invading her mind. She has never felt so comfortable in any clothes, ever.

"Not as good as you." Bella returned the compliment, truthfully. She looked in the mirror, liking her appearance. She used to stay in front of the mirror for hours, checking every single little thing and how it matched with the rest of her clothes. Hell, some times she would change her clothes so they can match yet another new bag. But after she met Max, she knew that none of that mattered. The Redhead always gave her the reassurance that no matter how she looked, what clothes she wore, she would love her unconditionally.

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