31. Stay

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The sun was shinning straight through the window and directly in Max and Bella's closed eyes. The two girls had fallen asleep with Bella's hand on Max's waist, while the Redhead's leg was over the blonde girl's thighs.

Annabelle's nightmares had come to a halt ever since the two managed to talk over their issues. However, the girl couldn't catch a break, as she would sometimes have flashbacks of different memories, that according to a therapist Emma found, were suppressed.

Today was the day that El, Will, Jonathan and Joyce would be moving away, and everyone had to get up early so they could help. Max and Bella had set up multiple alarms, just in case they couldn't hear the first one, just so they can be on time.

Something else, however, managed to wake them up before the clock could.

The ringing of Bella's phone could be heard probably around the entire house, waking up not only Bella and Max, but also Robin and Emma. Before Annabelle could react, Max had already gotten up to check who is calling.

The blonde girl opened her eyes with a yawn, just as she saw that Max was already talking with someone.

"Yes, I will let her know you called." Max finished as she hung up and turned around with an angry expression on her face. Her blue eyes pierced through the blonde girl, as she slowly stood up to face the Redhead.

If eyes could kill, then Bella would most definitely be a goner by now.

"Have to tell me something?" Max scoffed as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, not moving from her original position. Bella's eyes immediately widened as she opened her mouth to talk.

"W-Who was that?" the girl spoke as her eyes darted to the phone and then back to her angry girlfriend.

"Care to take a guess?" Max's voice was filled with both disappointment and anger, "Starts with M, ends with unson."

"What did Eddie want?" Bella's voice cracked as nervousness took over her. She very well knew what Max was referring to.

"Bella, don't play dumb with me!" Max's voice grew louder as she was barely able to contain herself, "Can you fucking explain why Munson would want you to 'cover' for him?"

"M-Max I--" Bella started as her eyes fell to the floor. The blonde girl knew that she couldn't explain. It was exactly what it sounded like.

"You, you, what?" Max mocked as she took big steps towards the girl. Now she was standing right in front of her as Bella didn't dare to look up to face the Redhead, "Use your words, Annabelle."

The mention of her name immediately caused a shiver to go through her. She wasn't used to her girlfriend ever being this mad, it's the first time that has ever happened.

"H-He needed help and I..." Bella stuttered, trying to find the right words to describe that situation, "I... agreed to h-help him..."

"Annabelle..." Max used her finger to push Bella's chin up, so the blonde girl would face her. This time her voice was filled with sadness, "Are you dealing?"

Bella couldn't say anything, she was way too focused on controlling her own breathing. It took her a couple of seconds before she could register the question.

"Only when he can't." She explained as she tried to move her head to the floor, but her girlfriend was keeping it in place. Max didn't look mad anymore. Her expression showed sadness and disappointment. The blonde girl would have preferred it to be anger.

Max sighed as her eyes didn't leave Bella's ocean ones, "How can you be this stupid, Love?"

Bella's eyes widened at the nickname. Maybe Max wasn't that disappointed in her after all. Maybe she wouldn't lose her.

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now