16. The Case Of The Missing Lifeguard

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The three girls eventually arrived at Eleven's house. Bella tried calling Emma, but got no response. The same thing happened when she tried to call Robin, so she decided that the two got in a heated moment, so that's the reason why they aren't answering. It was better for the blonde girl to leave them alone.

When she came back to El's room, Max was dancing and singing to "Angel" while the brunette was reading something on her bed.

"I can see it in your eyes!" Max kept singing as she pretended that a hairbrush was a microphone.

"You truly are an 'Angel', Red." Bella chuckled as she sat next to Eleven. Max smiled at her girlfriend, then looked towards what El was reading.

"Oh, you found Ralph Macchio!" the Redhead exclaimed, chuckling.

"Macchio?" the brunette questioned.

"Yeah, he's the Karate Kid." Bella added.

"Hai-yah!" Max laughed as she pretended to break an invisible board. "He's so hot, right?"

"Gag me with a spoon, Max." Bella added, pretending to be offended.

"Oh, that was not what you were saying about him a month ago, was it, Love?" Max laughed innocently and whispered "She used to have the biggest crush on him!"

"Shut up, Mayfield!" Bella laughed and hit her with a pillow.

"Make me, Winston!" Max chuckled as she threw the pillow back at the blonde, "I bet he's an amazing kisser, too!"

Eleven just looked at her wide-eyed.

"Hey, uh..." Max said as she jumped in Bella's lap, facing El "is Mike a good kisser?"

Imagining it, Bella had to physically refrain herself from gagging. She just winced at that thought, but allowed Eleven to respond.

"I don't know." the brunette answered, a smile slowly showing on her face, "He is my first boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend" Max corrected, which immediately made Eleven's smile drop.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Bella joined in the conversation, "He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness! I guarantee you, he is like..."

"...totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now." Max finished her sentence "He's like 'Oh, I hope she takes me back'." The three girls laughed together, until Eleven's eyes trailed to Bella and then Max.

"Hey I have a question." Eleven said, looking at the bed like she is embarrassed.

"Yeah?" Max asked.

"Is like... Bella a good kisser?" El said, her gaze shifting towards Annabelle. The blonde girl's face immediately became the same color as Max's hair.

"I don't know." Max teased.

"W-What do you mean you don't know?" Bella stumbled on her words, now her turn to look at the bed sheets like the correct answer was written there.

"Kiss me so I can check." Max grinned, tilting her head back.

"We are not kissing in front of El, no." Bella answered and blushed even more at the thought of kissing her girlfriend.

"She is fine with it, right?" Max tilted her head towards El and the brunette nodded, "See?"

"You will be the death of me, Mayfield" Bella said, but nodded in agreement. Max turned around to face her girlfriend. For not more than 5 seconds they held eye contact, making Bella's heart pound in her chest. Her face was already red, but she felt it get hotter and hotter. The blonde girl felt Max leaning in as she closed her eyes, expecting the touch to send her in her own definition of heaven. Their lips connected and Bella's heart exploded, forming butterflies in her stomach and making her knees weaker. Max used her tongue to slightly open Bella's mouth in an attempt to deepen the already perfect kiss. With not much choice, the blonde girl complied as their tongues played a dance, before Max pulled away from the kiss.

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