44. Abort!

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If I knew it all then, would I do it again?
Would I do it again?

Bella took a deep breath before turning around to face her two friends. She immediately noticed their eyes watering, especially Max's. She gave them a slight smile before putting a pause to the song that was blasting through her headphones.

"Hey!" Annabelle finally broke the silence that engulfed the room. Lucas shook uncomfortably as he heard his friend's voice. He had a bad, awful feeling about this entire thing, but he would never stop the plan mid way.

"Henry, you bitch!" The blonde girl yelled again, fixating her eyes on the buzzing lamp in front of her, "Here I am you... you ass!"

After a few seconds with nothing happening, she continued trying to taunt him and challenging him in every possible sense she could possibly think of. Max was inches away from grabbing her girlfriend, turning around, and calling it quits, but she remained in her place, leaning on the door frame.

The Redhead felt her body tense up, trying not to think of everything that could possibly go wrong.

"No more music." Bella tried again, now getting desperate to start phase three, "No more games. Just you and me. Isn't this what you fucking wanted?!"

The lamp continued buzzing with the same strength, confusing everyone around her. She is supposed to be cursed, so why wasn't it working?

"What are you waiting for, huh?" the blonde yelled through tears, hoping that Henry would take the bait, "Come on! Do you want me or not?!"

With that, the buzzing from the lamp in the middle of the room started fading, and the same thing happened with the one in Bella's hand. She was more than confused to see all of this, turning back to face her just as equally confused friends.

Max, however, felt a type of relief when she saw all of this. Maybe she wouldn't lose her girlfriend, maybe it would all be okay. But still, that nervous feeling of things going south didn't leave her for a second.

However, the lantern in Lucas' hands started buzzing, indicating that Henry was moving. The three friends started moving along with it, trying to see where the disfigured man was going to go. With each step, the pit in Max's stomach grew wider, knowing that it might not be over.

Going up the stairs, the trio soon stood in the attic, where Annabelle fainted not too long ago. She looked at them, her eyes showing both worry and determination. The blonde girl also felt someone else's presence, unsure if the plan had finally worked out or if it was Eleven.

But there was no time to think about that, as the buzzing started fading away again, making Annabelle furrow her brows in confusion.

"Come on!" Bella was now starting to get angry at him, "I am right here! Take me! Take my powers!"

Again, nothing. Silence. She let out a breathy sigh, before thinking about what to say next.

"I know you can hear me, One," Bella finally addressed him the way he wanted her to. The way he always talks to her. "I know you can read my thoughts. The bad and the good ones. Mostly the bad ones." Annabelle felt tears stinging in her eyes, but continued, removing her headphones and placing them on the table in front of her, "I thought about your offer. And everything you said. You were right. I can't save them. I can't fix all the pain that I brought to them. I thought you were trying to upset me, to anger me. But you were right. Everything that you said was correct."

The blonde girl looked back at her friends, that just stood silent, waiting for the phase to begin. And so was she.

"We are not like them." Bella pointed at her friends, doing her best to put up the best acting she possibly could. Lucas looked at her with risen brows, Max doing the same. "We are not normal humans. I am not Annabelle Winston. You are not Henry Creel. I am Nineteen. And you are One. That's it. That's all we are..."

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now