2. Good Morning, Idiot

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Annabelle Winston has never been a morning person, and she was very aware of it. Which is why she didn't bother to have an alarm. Her sister always wakes her up, which is both good and bad, because Bella hated seeing Emma take pleasure in annoying her.

"Good morning, idiot!" is usually what the blonde girl hears first thing every morning. Today was no different. 

"Waking up!" Bella managed to form, slowly drifting back to sleep, unfaithful to her previous words. Emma wasn't going to let that happen though, as she came into the room with a glass of cold water that was about to go all over her younger sister's bed.

"3... 2... 1..." 

And Bella felt the cold water spill all over her, waking her up completely.

"Fuck you, Emma," the blue-eyed girl mumbled, staying up and attempting to walk to her dresser. "It's way too fucking early for this shit."

"I know, but you gotta do what you gotta do, B." The older girl then laughed, disappearing through the door and down the stairs.

"Fuck you, E!" Bella uttered in loud voice, secretly hoping that Emma wouldn't hear her. But she did.

"Fuck you too, idiot!" Emma managed to yell back, her words mixed with a couple of giggles.

Despite such conversations happening more than often in the Winstons' household, Bella was thankful for her sister. Yes, they had their usual cat-fights, but it wasn't something that they couldn't get over. Emma was there to help Annabelle when she needed it, and the little girl was more than grateful for that. She was taking a motherly role in her life.

"Did dad go to work already?" Bella questioned once she was done with putting on some non-pajamas clothes and stumbling down the stairs like she had more than a couple of beers before hand.

"Yep, he will be gone for a month, so you better get ready to either sleep at your friends' or endure parties, starting tomorrow." Emma carefully poured the milk in the cereal, and put a spoon in it.

Bella sighed, trying to think of a friend that could take her in their house for more than 2 hours. Mike will probably do, although he is annoying and ever since El's disappearance, has tried to kiss her on the rare occasions in which they go out together. Bella wasn't stupid, she knew he was grieving and he needed to "replace" El somehow, but she wasn't okay with being plan "B".

"C'mon, you will be late for the hellhole!"



"I still don't understand why I have to drive you around everywhere," Emma groaned in frustration. "Just because you disappeared for a day ? That somehow gave you PTSD from walking?"

Bella preferred to not answer this question, as this was not the first time her sister asked her that. She wished she was able to tell her, but it was for her sister's safety that she didn't. Still, it was hard.

Suddenly, Emma hit the breaks and a yell replaced the faint music from the radio. "What the fuck?! Bitch!"

That scared Bella, as she was still somewhere in her thoughts. "What happened?" She tried looking past the wind shield and could only see one single car ahead of them.

"We almost crashed into this Californian piece of shit, that's what fucking happened!"

"Was it their fault for a change?" Bella tried to laugh it off, but was met with her sister's angry eyes. Immediately, she refrained from speaking any further.

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