36. The Monster And The Superhero

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"Good morning." Max chuckled once she saw Bella yawning on her bed. The Redhead woke up earlier to go and help Emma and Robin to pack some stuff for Eddie, and she didn't have the heart to interrupt her girlfriend's sleep.

"Morning." Annabelle answered as she sat up straight, letting the blanket fall off of her body. Max's eyes immediately darted to her exposed chest as a smile crawled its way on the ginger girl's face.

"Nightmares?" She questioned as her eyes didn't leave the girl in front of her. Bella nodded slightly with a sigh, making Max frown.

"They have been a constant for some time now." Bella stood up, seconds before remembering that she was standing completely and utterly exposed in front of her girlfriend. She tried covering herself with her hands, as Max just laughed at her pathetic attempts at doing so.

"I have already seen all that." The Redhead chuckled while Bella rolled her eyes.

"The mood was different." Bella plainly stated as she quickly found desirable clothes to wear and put them on. Max changed her position to stand right on front of her girlfriend, her ocean blue eyes filled with lust and determination.

"I can quickly bring it back." The Redhead smiled as she plastered a kiss on Bella's lips, her hands slipping under her hoodie and wondering through Annabelle's soft skin, going over the purple marks that were created last night.

"Oh yeah?" Bella chuckled as she melted into Max's soft hands. For the first time in weeks, the blonde girl felt happy. Guiding her back to the bed, Max removed the blue shirt she had on and immediately captured her lips.

It was all perfect, until they heard a knock on the door, earning an annoying grunt from both girls.

"C'mon you two!" the girls heard Robin's voice, "Let's go give Eddie his alcohol."

"Oh god." Bella's eyes widened as she remembered the situation they were in, "Put on your shirt and let's go."

Max nodded as she did exactly that. Soon the two girls were in Steve's car, standing in the back in silence as Emma and Robin were discussing what they should do next.

"The thing is, I can't contact Nancy at all." Emma sighed and so did Robin.

"Do you ever just simply not talk about her?" the brunette questioned, making Bella roll her eyes as she leaned back on the window. Hearing arguments between her sister and her girlfriend definitely wasn't her favourite thing to do.

"Ugh, stop it, my ears are bleeding." Bella complained as Steve went over a bump, causing the car to bounce up and down.

"You are one to talk about silence." Robin laughed as Bella and Max's eyes widened, while both of their faces became a deep shade of red.

"The fuck do you mean?" the blonde girl murmured as Max stood mostly silent, dodging every possible glance that Emma and Robin gave her.

"Should I quote?" Robin's laugh kept increasing as Emma could barely hold back her own. Steve just looked at them confused, trying to keep his eyes on the road, "oh, max, stop being so nice and f--"

"Shut up, Buckley." Bella cut her off as she averted her gaze to the window, leaving the two girls in the front in laughter.


Soon enough, Steve pulled up his car next to Billy's. Max's step brother said that he would be the one to bring Dustin to Eddie's hideout, and it seems like they were there for a while now. Unloading all the food and drinks that were in the back, the group made their way to the shack in the back of the house.

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