8. The Spy

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Bella opened her eyes just to see everyone around her shouting and in a rush. She was still being held by someone, but the blonde girl couldn't recognize them as her vision was blurry. The blue-eyed girl tried to look around to hopefully get a better understanding about the situation. She saw Will strapped on a bed while a couple of doctors were measuring his heart beat.

"Vitals?" one of the nurses asked.

"Heart rate 220. Temperature's 106." another nurse responded. Bella had no idea what that meant, but judging by Will's cries, it couldn't be anything good.

"Will, where does it hurt?"

"All over." the boy groaned through tears.

"She says he feels like he's burning. Check for burns." a familiar voice said, making Bella look in it's direction. It was the same doctor that suggested her therapy. A nurse immediately cut through Will's shirt. They tried finding any wounds or burns but it was useless - there were none.

"I don't see anything." the ER doctor responded.

"Where does it hurt the most, Will?" Joyce said. It was clear that the mom was extremely worried. Not that anyone would blame her, after all Will is her son and seeing him in pain brought her pain.

"Everywhere! Everywhere!" Will yelled back at her. With that Bella heard beeping of monitors and saw syringes go inside of the boy. The girl absolutely hated needles so she couldn't keep her gaze on Will and instead decided to close her eyes. That, however, was much more terrifying as she could hear Joyce's sobs and Will's screams.


After a couple of minutes, which felt like hours to Bella, Will calmed down. She finally opened her eyes just to see that the only reason Will wasn't screaming is because he is asleep. The next thing she saw was Joyce going out of the room, being followed by a crowd of doctors.

Now she was alone in the room with Will. Or so she thought. The person that was holding her before was next to her and so was Mike.

She could finally see who helped her this entire time - it was Bob. He and Mike looked extremely worried and the younger boy's eyes were red.

She slowly crawled her hand on Mike's palm. It was something she would do when Max was worried and needed help calming down. Once their hands came in contact Mike looked at her and tried to give her a reassuring smile.

"It's all gonna be fine." Mike said, but it was more of a question rather than a statement. He again shifted his attention towards the boy in front of them like he was scared that Will would disappear. Bella found that cute, it reminded her of what she would do if Max was there on the bed.

"Fuck." Bella said, banging her head on  the wall behind her.

"What's up?" Mike said without moving his eyes from Will.

"Max. She will be worried for us." Annabelle said, her eyes glued to the ceiling. Bob looked at her, not knowing who exactly Max is, but deciding that this isn't important right now.

"She is better off not knowing what's happening, B." Mike replied, for the first time not attacking Max.

"Yeah. Yeah you're right." Bella responded "Do you know what happened with Will?"

"Once all the vehicles with soldiers arrived he fell to the floor and started shaking. Then he kept repeating how it burns and that he is in pain." Mike said, his eyes getting watery "No one knows what's wrong."

"I am sorry..." Annabelle said, feeling herself on the verge of tears.

"What are you sorry for?" Bob asked her.

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