21. Commander

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Everyone was sitting around Bella as she was explaining everything that happened. Sometimes it was even hard for her to remember, but the most important piece of information was there. They knew where the source is, so everything else doesn't matter.

Or does it?

"... so I looked up and when I saw the mist go away I knew that it was the source." Bella continued going over everything she saw. Including the painful memories she encountered.

Max and everyone else listened intently to every word that came out of her mouth. The Redhead never questioned why Billy was the way that he was. She just assumed that he was an asshole for the sake of being one. But after hearing everything her girlfriend had to say, she couldn't help but to feel bad about her step-brother.

No one deserves what happened to him. No one.

"And then..." Bella started as she was nearing the end of her explanation. She scrunched up her nose while trying to give every possible detail about the situation. And that's when it dawned on her. Just like she could see where Billy was, he saw where she was. And what's worse. He said he now knew where she was all of the time.

"Wheeler?", the girl questioned, looking at Mike, "Does your basement happen to have... guns?"

"Why?" Nancy's worried voice joined in the conversation before Bella could explain any further.

"We need to go. He knows we are here. If we have to fight it, we need to get somewhere far."

"Where?" Max's voice filled the silence after Bella's words. Everyone was unsure whether to believe the blonde girl or not.

"El and Hopper's home will do. Let's go." Annabelle said, getting up. Everyone reluctantly followed her to Nancy's car.

"B, are you sure about this?" the older girl questioned right before turning on her car. Annabelle wasn't 100% sure, but if she was right, the monster would follow her wherever she went. Just like Billy said.

"Yes." the blonde girl let out a sigh. If her and Eleven were to fight this creature, they shouldn't risk any more lives than necessary.

Once Nancy started driving, Bella had more time to explain about her encounter with Billy. She started with how she removed the blindfold and how the entire basement was empty.

"He said he was building something." the blonde girl started, "That it was all for Eleven and me."

"Building something..." Max repeated, trying to think about what possibly could a monster made out of flesh need, "Is he talking about the flayed?"

"He must be." Nancy responded and took a left turn, almost hitting a tree in the process.

"So he is building an army, just like we thought." Lucas mumbled as he leaned back on his seat.

"Nancy, can we go faster?" Bella found herself saying as the cold feeling, indicating the Mind Flayer's presence, hit her.

"We will be there in 5, B. Relax." Nancy mumbled and at the same time sped up the car. By doing so everyone in the car started cursing, but Bella didn't care. They had to get there as soon as possible.

"But he is not building an army to spread." Mike managed to say somewhere in-between his screams.

"He is building it to stop Eleven and Bella." Will sighed.

"Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off."

"Like royally." Lucas added to Mike's words.

"Okay, but where does Bella fall in all of this?" Max questioned as her arm fell on Bella's thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"I am the only one he has no control over." Bella clarified, "The Mind Flayer is scared of me. He couldn't touch me in the Upside Down. It has to be this". Mike nodded as he continued explaining "And the Mind Flayer now knows that together Bella and El can stop him. But if they are out of the way--"

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now