22. Promises

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"It was either that or you could have let me open it?" Bella rose her eyebrow when Nancy threw the stone at the glass door. Everyone ignored her question as they made their way inside the store in search of anything that could help El and relieve her pain.

Max and Mike were helping Eleven walk while Nancy guided them through the store. Soon enough, they were in the aisle containing medical supplies.

"There it is!" Bella quickly grabbed the rubbing alcohol and then ducked to get some bandages.

"Okay, get her down." Nancy ordered, and Max and Mike laid Eleven on the floor.

"Let me see." the older girl said and removed the piece of clothing protecting El's leg.

"Oh, shit." Max exclaimed once she saw the blood coating the brunette's skin. Immediately after that Eleven groaned at the pain from moving her leg.

Nancy grabbed the alcohol from Bella's hands and started opening the packaging, but Max stopped her, "What-- What-- Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm cleaning the wound?" Nancy answered.

"No, first we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then disinfect, then bandage." the Redhead clarified. Everyone looked at her wide-eyed and Bella took it upon herself to explain.

"She skates. Trust her." the blonde girl said and Max nodded in response.

"Mike, hold this." the Redhead ordered as she placed Mike's arm on top of a towel on El's leg. By doing so, they attempted to stop the blood that was still coming out of the brunette, "Keep the pressure on it, nice and firm, okay?"

"We are gonna need water, soap." Max said, making Nancy and Jonathan immediately nod in response. Lucas emptied his backpack on the floor, which made both Bella and Max facepalm.

"Does any of this help?" the boy asked, sending Bella's eyes to the back of her head.

"No." Max answered upon looking at all the items on the floor, "Go get me a washcloth and a bowl."

"A bowl?" the boy furrowed his brows.

"Lucas. Let's go." Bella sighed.


Bella passed both Lucas and Will as they were eyeing the fireworks. The girl tried finding what Max ordered them to, but she couldn't find her way in the store. Little sighs escaped her mouth after every aisle she checked. She cursed herself as she bumped into Max, making both girls fall on the floor.

"Sorry." Bella mumbled as she got up, but Max just giggled.

"At least someone is searching for a bowl." the Redhead said, holding Bella's hand to get up.

"What about Lucas and Will?"

"They are thinking that we can beat the Mind Flayer using fireworks."

"Sounds badass."

"Not you too..." Max playfully rolled her eyes.

"There it is!" Bella exclaimed as her face lit up, "Here is your bowl!"

"Thank you, love." Max smiled at the girl. Even in a situation like this, she couldn't help but smile at how cute her girlfriend is.

"Max..." Bella started, not shifting her attention from her ocean eyes, "I finally understand why Billy hates me."

"He hates everyone." Max laughed as she sat on the floor, patting the space next to her. Annabelle quickly took that position.

"Yeah, maybe, " Bella laughed in response, "But why me specifically."

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now