9. The Mind Flayer

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Bella could hear the muffled sound of alarms throughout the hospital. This only confirmed her fears and made them stronger - the shadow monster knew where they were.

"We're too late." She said to Joyce.

"What's going on?" the older woman said to her.

"We're under attack." Mike said, his eyes going to where Will was staying.

"We need to make Will sleep." Bella said, holding what she never thought she would ever touch. A syringe.

"What?" Will's mom said. Bella could sense the fear in her voice and she very well understood her, but they had no time to loose.

"He's a spy. If he knows where we are, so does the shadow monster."

"She is lying!" Will shouted at the blonde girl and his mom.

"He killed those soldiers. He'll kill us too!" Mike said, trying to convince Joyce that what Bella has in mind is the right decision.

"They're lying! They're lying! They're lying!" Will kept repeating as Bob and Joyce tried to hold him down. At that same time Bella and pretty much everyone in the room heard gunshots. It was close.

"Those are gunshots!" Bob pointed out.

"Okay. Will, Will, listen, listen. Do you know who I am?" Joyce shouted, looking at the boy "Do you know who I am?!"

"You're..." Will started, but it was clearly that he wasn't sure "You're... You're Mom!"

Once he said that Joyce ordered for Bob to hold him down. The older woman got the syringe out of Bella's hands while Will was pleading and asking for them to stop.

"I am sorry! I am sorry!" Joyce shouted through tears while looking at her son. Annabelle knew that it must be hard for the woman. Seeing your own son begging to be let go while you are the one that is keeping him still. Mike looked at Bella while his hands were on his ears, in desperate attempt to muffle Will's screams.

Not even a minute after the needle went inside Will, he calmed down and stopped shouting. Now Mike was able to remove his hands, he couldn't stand to hear his best friend in that state.

In that same moment Hopper and Dr. Owens barged in the room, panting. They took a look at Will's unconscious body. Bella could hear monsters breaking the door that was leading to their room.

"We gotta go! We gotta go!" Hopper shouted at everyone while picking up Will's body. Bella knew that she would probably have to fight them. Oh how much easier it was when El was there with them. The blonde girl could in no way replace Eleven and her powers, but she was willing to try, for her friends.

Once Hopper put Will on his shoulder everyone in the room started to run. That was, until their way was cut off by a smaller version of what Bella had to fight in the Upside Down. She felt her blood become cold, the nausea hitting her again. The creature took a step towards them and Bella held her hand in order to prevent it from getting closer.

Annabelle managed to make it take a step back, but she was drained and felt like she was going to faint. Bob took her hand and dragged her inside a room, locking the door behind them. The older man knew that nothing could stop those beasts, but it could give them some time in case of an emergency.

Bella looked around the room. It was filled with cameras and she could see people getting eaten alive.

"Oh my god." She exclaimed and let go of Bob's hand. Suddenly the lamps went crazy before completely turning off. With them, the cameras also went to black screens. The whole building's power was shut off. The only thing that they could hear was the monsters' screeching.

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