30. Cigarettes

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The screaming of the blonde woman could be heard around the entire hospital as Bella frantically ran from door to door in a desperate attempt to find her. Every single second the blue-eyed girl could hear her mom's yells become louder and louder. Annabelle ran as fast as she could, but the corridor seemed to have no end, it just kept going. A new door would pop up after the previous one had been checked.

She was stuck in a loop somewhere in her mind, a loop that terrified her to her core. Bella felt her eyes starting to water as she ran to a door marked with a rainbow sign. She opened the door to reveal two young girls laughing together, playing with cubes and little cars. The blonde girl immediately turned back, closing the door. In front of her stood a creature, made out of flesh. It's eyes pierced through Bella, as if it could see straight in her soul.

"Bella! Bella are you okay!?" Max shook the blonde girl when she heard her crying. It was not the first time this has happened, ever since she woke up from the coma, which at this point was almost 2 months ago, Annabelle has been having nightmares every single night. The ginger girl quickly pulled the blonde for a hug, doing her best to comfort her.

"Fuck." Bella whimpered as she buried her face in Max's neck, letting all the tears run down from her face. The Redhead ran her hand up and down her girlfriend's back, knowing that this should help calm her down.

Slow and agonizing 5 minutes passed before Bella could collect her thoughts and form sentences, "W-What t-time is it?" she questioned, pulling away from the hug so she can lean back on her bed.

"2:57 am." Max frowned as she checked the new clock they bought a couple of weeks ago. It was a routine for the Redhead to wake up more than once during the night to check on her girlfriend, just in case something like this was happening.

"Can we go outside?" Bella sighed as she eyed the leather jacket she bought a month ago. It was completely black and the girl never used it due to the hotter nights in the summer. This time, however, it was cold, thanks to the rain that poured pretty much the entire day before that.

"Yes, of course, B." Max smiled and stretched her arms before getting up to pick clothes. For herself she got a blue hoodie along with black jeans, while for Bella she chose a pink hoodie with blue jeans. The Redhead quickly passed the clothing to her girlfriend before turning around to change.

Bella frowned at the pink hoodie, it didn't feel like her anymore. She felt completely different from the old Annabelle, like she didn't fit in that world anymore.

"You don't want that hoodie?" Max questioned, her eyes locked on Bella's face, inspecting the expression she was making.

"I don't know, it just doesn't feel like... me?" Bella furrowed her brows at it as she got up to look through her wardrobe, "None of this feels like me anymore."

"You want to go to the store to pick new clothes?" Max suggested as she hugged the blonde girl from behind, allowing her to lean back as she planted soft kisses on her neck.

"Maybe..." Bella melted into the touch and closed her eyes, trying to enjoy her girlfriend as much as she could, "But for now I will put on the D&D Club shirt and the jacket."

Max chuckled as she slightly pulled away, allowing Bella to get that specific shirt, "I still can't believe you are talking with Munson so much."

"He is cool." Bella sighed as she removed her pajamas to put on the shirt, "Though I wouldn't mind a bit less of Emma's scolding."

"Do you blame her?" Max's smile turned into a slight frown as she waited for Bella to get ready, "You've changed, Love. And he... isn't the best influence you can have in this town. How did you even meet him?"

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now