15. The Mall Rats

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~~~ Homophobic slurs will be present in this chapter ~~~

Everything around Bella started shaking. She inhaled rapidly as she started choking on the surrounding particles. Without thinking, she put her arm to her mouth in an attempt to stop the coughing. Looking around, she saw she was in the Upside Down, but in an unknown location. There was a big structure and a telephone next to it.

The blonde girl ran to the building, thinking that it must be another episode. Scanning her surrounding, she came to the conclusion that it is abandoned. Trying her best to stay calm, she went back outside to see if the shadow monster was present.

Bella never thought she would have to go on a search for it, but was glad she didn't find anything. Unlike before, this time she was prepared. Eleven trained her, and she felt ready to face her fears. Which seemed to not even be present. She decided on sitting down and waiting for the episode to pass, but it never did.

The girl sighed as she kept her arm on her mouth. Her thoughts kept trailing to what last happened. She was in bed, with Max, cuddling, and then everything went to black. Now here she is, hopefully not stuck in the Upside Down.

She heard screams from inside the building. She ran inside to see a boy making his way to a telephone. "Hey!" she shouted at him, but he didn't turn back. Instead, he tried dialing someone, with no luck.

"Hey!" she tried yelled again. This time he turned back, but his eyes trailed to something behind her. She turned around to see what he was looking at, but was met with a pair of gorgeous blue eyes.

"Hey, Cupcake." Max smiled, "Doing okay?". Bella looked around to see where exactly she was. She noticed the posters, her taped piggy bank and her clothes scattered around the room. Without thinking about it, the blonde girl let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah. Just a nightmare, I think." Max looked at her confused, "Nightmare? What about?"

Bella looked straight in her eyes, thinking if she was even going to believe her. "Uhm..." the blonde girl opened her mouth, "If I say it before 12 it will happen. So ask me again later."

"You don't really believe this, do you?" Max chuckled as she kissed Bella on the cheek. The blonde girl shook her head as she got up to change from her pajamas.

"What is the mood today? Yellow, blue or pink?" the shorter girl asked, looking at the hoodies in her wardrobe. "Blue." The girl behind her smiled as she wrapped her hands around the blonde. Bella melted into the touch, leaning on Max and allowing her to place kisses on her neck.

"No hickeys!" Bella said as she snapped into reality.

"Too late." Max laughed as she grabbed the blue hoodie, "I just like letting people know you are mine".

Both girls made their way to the kitchen, where Emma was running around frantically, desperately trying to find something.

"All good, E?" Bella asked as she looked at the girl in front of her.

"Keys." She muttered as she started lifting pillows from the couch, "Got them."

"I am proud." Bella said sarcastically as she opened the fridge in a search of any kind of food.

"Pancakes. Microwave. Back at 5." Emma yelled as she rushed through the door and hopped in her car.

"So much for making her drive us to the mall." Bella laughed as turned around to face the microwave.

"Yeah. So what are we gonna do?" Max asked, sitting on the table and grabbing one of the pancakes that the blonde girl placed on the table.

"Teach me how to skate?" Bella proposed, grinning. Max nodded as she bit into the pancake. "You know..." the Redhead started, "... that you can tell me anything, right?"

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