5. The Pollywog

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Max POV:

I woke up next to my.. friend? girlfriend? I am still not sure what to call her. After seeing her in that state yesterday, I couldn't catch a lot of sleep so I eventually gave up and decided to wait for Emma to barge in the room and "wake" us up.

I kept looking at Bella and how beautiful she is. I never thought it was possible for someone to be this... perfect. I wonder what she thinks of me, if she wants us to be together, if my parents would approve of this.. probably not. They have never been supportive of anything I do and I doubt this will be any different.

"Morning, love birds" I heard Bella's sister say and felt the blonde girl next to me move in her sleep.

"Emma leave us aloneee" is the next thing that Bella said, but I knew it was useless and Emma wouldn't budge.

"Come on, B, it is time for school" I said, trying to prevent Emma from attacking her sister and at the same time hoping that Bella would listen to me

"Fine." I heard, thankful that I was able to help


"There we are." Emma said as she parked the car right next to Billy's. I wasn't able to tell him that I will be staying over at Winston's, but my parents should have told him. I hope. Thankfully he wasn't there so it wouldn't matter.

Bella let go of my hand and jumped out of the vehicle. I missed her touch, but I know that we shouldn't show any affection in school or anywhere in public for that matter.

We started going towards the building when Bella said she didn't feel well and that she would see me in class. I knew it could be something bad so I asked her if she wants me to come with her but she refused and said she just needs fresh air. I complied, I didn't want to invade her privacy any further. That's when I saw Lucas looking at me. Why is he so strange?


"Hey" Lucas started

"Hey stalker" I said. This was gonna be a long walk, and  he wasn't helping. He started talking about yesterday's night and about Will and I just couldn't help but wonder.

"I still don't get why they call him "a part of the Zombie Squad"" I started "I mean, I get it. He got lost in the woods for a week or something, but why is he a zombie? Because everyone thought he was dead? And who else is in that "Zombie Squad" anyway?"

"Yeah. I mean we had a funeral for him and everything. And the other part is Bella, she also got lost in the woods, but only for a day." Lucas answered

"After a week?"

"Well, see, some other kids drowned at the quarry. We thought they were Will and Bella because the bodies were super decomposed."

"What?" I exclaimed. There is no fucking way this is real. "Lucas, that's not funny."

"It's not a joke, alright? It's public knowledge. You can ask anybody. Except Will, because he is really sensitive about it. All right?"

"And what about Bella?" I said "I thought you were friends with her."

"Yeah, I mean, we are friends with her. She just doesn't talk about it much and I am not sure about that." Lucas said, looking at the ground

"Okay" I said and went into Mr. Clarke's class. Bella was in her seat with blank look on her face.


"The case of Phineas Gage is one of the great medical curiosities of all time. Phineas was a railroad worker in 1848 who had a nightmarish accident. A large iron rod was driven completely through his head. Phineas miraculously survived. He seemed fine. And physically yes, he was." I kept hearing the teacher in front of me talk, but I couldn't shift my mind off of Bella. What could have happened when she disappeared? Does it have anything to do with those episodes?

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