42. Papa

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The Beginning of the End...

TW: All kinds.

Annabelle's surroundings immediately changed after she heard Henry's words. The white walls surrounding her faded into a black mist, the color sticking on them as she found herself in front of her restrained friend. Vines were keeping Nancy away from moving as the girl groaned and shook with fear.

"Tell me, Nineteen..." Henry said behind her, as both girls' eyes darted to him. And knowing that Nancy was there, gave her some kind of comfort, brought her some kind of purpose. Every time she met Henry, she was alone, wandering in her own mind and trying to think of a way to get away from his grasp. But now, she had to protect her friend, and she was going to do everything in her power to accomplish this self-given mission.

"Are they really worth fighting for?" his voice was deep and harsh, challenging her in every possible sense. And she knew very well that he wouldn't kill her. In some way, he needed her and her strength. Henry was giving her a choice.

Fight and die, or join him and kill her friends.

"You will never have my powers." Annabelle answered with anger, making Nancy widen her eyes, "I will protect them all, no matter the cost."

"I will show you both..." Henry used his mind to pin Bella right next to Nancy, his claw positioning between the two girls, "I will show you what you are so desperately trying to protect."

With that, different scenes played out in Bella's mind. The ground parting itself, glowing red as if the core of the Earth was right there, emitting heat. Then she saw her sister laying flat on the ground, her entire body coated in blood. So many people dying and the Earth flooding with the monsters from the Upside Down.

"No!" Bella yelled, sending both her and Nancy into the real World. The blonde fell back with a gasp, leaning on the kitchen counter behind her, while Steve helped the older girl once her body hit the ground.

Nancy's breath was hitched, she was panting and desperately trying to take in as much air as possible. Steve tried to soothe her, but nothing could possibly help her in that situation.

"It's okay." Steve kept chanting like a prayer, desperate in his attempts to help the brunette girl, but nothing seemed to bring that effect. Tears fell out of her eyes as she looked at him, her whole body shaking with terror.

"Bella!" Max yelled through the portal, making the blonde girl look up, locking their eyes, neither daring to break contact. But Bella had to help her friend, so she was the first to avert her gaze, going to Nancy and placing one hand on the trembling girl's body.

"Relax." Bella mumbled, using her powers to fill the brunette's body with a comfortable, gentle feeling that should, technically, ease the shaking of her body.

"You are okay." Annabelle soothed her once she felt her body starting to calm down. "I got you. It's okay. You are okay."

"Did you see it?" Nancy's shaken voice filled the silence, all while Steve was helping her to stand up. Bella silently nodded as she did the same, using the rope to go back into the real world. Emma immediately picked her up from the mattress, holding her close as she wrapped her hands around her, refusing to let go of her even for a second.

With a loud thump, she saw Nancy laying on the mattress, Billy helping her to get up. Steve was the one to follow right after, standing up by himself and grunting as he touched the wound on his stomach through the wrapped fabric.

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