25.2. 𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨

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Two weeks. Two weeks, in which the only thing Max saw were four gray hospital walls. Between them stood the person she cared about most, completely unconscious and unable to breathe on their own.

And just like any other day, she would go to the hospital as soon as she woke up, and then get back home once visitation hours were over. Something, which she begged Emma to change, knowing that she was allowed to stay there full time.

But of course, the older girl had told her that someone needs to stay home. Which, Max understood, but that didn't mean she liked it.

"Hello." she forced a smile, that for sure wasn't able to hide the mess she had become ever since the accident. Even if someone looked past her dark clothes and her bloodshot eyes, they would notice the loss of weight, along with the dark circles around her eyes and her messy hair, that was currently neatly hidden behind her hood.

"Hello. How can I help?" the hospital receptionist looked at her with pity. As if she didn't know her girlfriend was in a coma, as if everyone looked past everything that happened. She pushed down the anger and reintroduced herself, for what seemed like a hundredth time these past weeks.

"The room is--" the older lady began, looking down at her notepad. Max quickly cut her off "I know. Thanks."

"You can't go right now." the woman shook her head, "She currently has a visitor."

"Are you fucking insane?!" Max yelled at the woman, her pupils dilating in fear. The Redhead was angry, constantly irritated ever since it happened.

"I am sor--" the lady tried again, her voice trembling with fear just by seeing the girl in front of her, that seemed to be shaking with anger. But Max was shaking for completely different reason. She was sad, tired, of being so useless to her girlfriend.

"Listen to me," the ginger girl was making one final attempt before dragging Emma here and absolutely destroying the receptionist. "I am going to see my girlfriend. I do not care who is there and if she has visitors. I. Am. Going. Understood?"

The woman gulped down, her thoughts undoubtedly racing. She looked down at her folder, then at the monitor. The Redhead's anger only grew with each second in which the woman didn't respond.

"Yeah." she mumbled, sitting down. Max nodded in accomplishment, ignoring the people that gathered around her and going to her girlfriend's room.

She opened the wooden door, like so many times before. Once she saw Nancy and Emma together, going over different topics in their notebooks, while the steady beeping of the monitors filled the room, her look softened.

"Hey." Nancy waved with a fake smile, Emma mimicking her friend's gesture. Max sighed, removing her hood and revealing her fiery red hair. The two brunettes smiled once again and then looked down at their books, resuming the reading.

"Anything new?" the Redhead questioned with dark eyes, sitting on the side of the hospital bed and placing her finger in Bella's grasp. Pretending like something would happen, like her girlfriend would magically tightened the grip around her finger. Anything.

"No." Nancy responded, her eyes not leaving the ink in front of her. The Redhead hummed in disappointment, but in her head formed completely different idea.

"I am calling El." she stated, going to the phone near Emma. The older girls looked at her in confusion, but before they could question why, Max's fingers were already dialing her friend's number.

"Hello?" El's voice could be heard on the other end. Max sighed, at least this was going by plan.

"Hey, El. It's Max." she continued, waiting again for a response.

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now