40. The Dive

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"Shit, Eddie, hold on." Billy yelled after his friend, barely being able to keep up with his pace. The two boys were entirely drenched, running around the forest for what seemed like hours. The setting moon barely provided any light, making it seem like the forest was never ending.

"The same thing happened to Chrissy, man!" Eddie stopped in his tracks to turn around. He looked just as terrified as the other boy, which was understandable after seeing someone being lifted in the air and killed with magic.

"Okay, wait, we are lost." Billy tried getting to his friend's head. And his words were entirely true. The place seemed so unfamiliar, that it might as well not be Hawkins anymore, "Do you know where we are?"

"There is like, uh, construction going on nearby here." Eddie gasped for air, positioning himself on the ground. Billy did the same, sitting right next to his friend, unable to get the image of the boy's bones cracking with his eyes bleeding.

"I can go there and steal a walkie talkie or something." Billy groaned on the ground, getting even colder by the light breeze that showed up unexpectedly, "And get us dry clothes."

"I assume you don't want this anymore?" Eddie held Billy's soaked shirt while inspecting every bit of the fabric. Hargrove shook his head in response, letting out a deep sigh.

"Guess they will be going after me too now." He groaned once again, "Your watch works?"

"Nope." Eddie sighed, looking at his left wrist, "Completely drenched, man."

Billy rolled his eyes in annoyance, looking at the sky. The sun started faintly showing itself from the horizon, allowing little light beams to coat the clouds.

"Well, it must be very early in the morning." Billy stood up, "Which way is the construction site?" The other boy pointed at one of the directions, making Hargrove nod in agreement.

"Okay. I am going to get some stuff from them." Eddie listened to his words, rocking his head back and forth to indicate that he understood the plan, "We will meet again at Skull Rock. Can you get there without getting noticed?"

"You got it, man." Munson agreed, standing up, "Be fast, okay?"


With that, the two boys parted ways, both of them running to the said locations. Billy followed his friend's instructions closely, and soon after was met with a familiar place. Now, he had a clear picture of exactly where they were and how to go to Skull Rock. Before that though, he made sure to swiftly grab a pair of dry clothes and a walkie talkie that was left on the ground.

The short-haired boy made sure to go unnoticed, just in case the police was going after him as well. He would never know what Jason or his other friend said, and he definitely thought about a case where him and Eddie were the ones to be blamed about the killings, along with Bella.

"What did I get myself into..." He whispered to himself, quickly changing into a plain white T-shirt and some jeans with a couple of holes in them. The boy sighed, grabbing another set of jeans and shirt and then running towards where he knew his friend would be.


"Not to be a wimp, but can I sit in the car?" Robin played with the door handle of Nancy's vehicle, while everyone kept the silence going for what felt like hours. After yesterday's performance, the teens were left more than hopeless, knowing that Vecna was in the Upside Down, with no gate or entrance that could lead them to him.

Max held Bella closely, especially after what happened the day prior. The blonde girl woke up in her hands, in Mike's basement, and she couldn't be any more confused. The Redhead explained to her what happened, and Bella silently agreed with everything that she said, including the part about another kill happening.

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