11. No Promises

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Bella opened the door to her house, waving at Steve and the rest of the kids. Sure, they just technically saved the world, but the blue-eyed girl still had a curfew. And right now she is more than 24 hours late. Taking a deep breath, Bella shouted, but received no response.

"Anyone home?" Annabelle yelled as she neared the kitchen to hopefully find something to eat. "I guess the house is all to myself now."

"Are you sure about that, lil sis?" Emma said with anger in her voice "Do you mind explaining where the fuck you were?"

"I was over at Will's." Bella responded as she bit into an apple "You can ask Joyce if you don't believe me."

"Oh yeah?" Emma said while frowning "Does Will like to leave huge blood stains on your shirt? Or maybe it was Michael?"

The shorter girl looked towards her wound, sighing. Her blue shirt was indeed bloody. She left the unfinished apple on the counter and said "Even if I tell you the truth, you will not believe me. And it's better if you don't."

"Did you tell Max?" Emma said, now angry that her sister would trust a girl she met 5 days ago and not someone she has known her entire life.

"That's different."

"How is it different? Annabelle, I am trying my best to be here for you, but you keep distancing yourself from me. You disappear for more than a day and come back with a huge blood stain on your shirt! On top of that you look like you haven't slept throughout that entire time!" the bigger sister said, her voice cracking "Why don't you tell me?! I will believe you, I promise! Just please, please tell me what is going on!"

"Okay, Emma, I will tell you, but under two conditions." Bella said, sighing.


"You accept the risk and will not tell anyone. Especially not dad."

"Okay. I accept the risk and will keep my mouth shut."

"Okay..." the blue-eyed girl said, taking a deep breath "First.. I will show you something, but don't freak out."

"Okay? You got it."

Taking another deep breath, Bella concentrated on the apple in front of her. After 10 seconds of staring intently into it,  she finally managed to smash it into the ceiling. Emma looked towards the stain that was left there and then towards her sister.

"W-what?" the older girl stuttered.

"So..." Bella said while cleaning the blood dripping from her nose "...I understand that you must be confused or even scared. I myself didn't know I could do that until recently..."

"Does this... have anything to do with the shadow monster?"

"How do you know?"

"J-Joyce she... told me..." Emma said "...b-but I didn't.. believe her..."

"Yeah, well, everything she told you is the truth." Bella said, sighing "And I was gone because of Will's episodes. Then I had to fight those monsters..."

"M-Monsters?" Emma said, her pupils dilating "The shadow monster?"

"No, more like it's army. So we were in this... lab. It was full of dog-looking monsters. I tried to save... someone's life..." Annabelle continued, but felt her eyes tearing up at the thought "... but I failed. And one of the creatures.. it attacked me, hence why the blood stain."

Emma's eyes trailed towards the dry blood. The blonde girl noticed that as she removed her shirt, revealing the wound that was wrapped with bandage near her stomach.

"Oh my God..." the brunette said as she stared into the bandage "I am... so sorry Bella. I am sorry you had to go through that..."

"Don't worry. It's gonna leave a cool scar." the blonde girl started "Plus, we saved the world. So it was worth it."

"Um, I have a.. strange question..." Emma said as she moved her gaze towards Bella's eyes "... did you by any chance see Billy?"

"We did." Bella replied coldly "He said some fucked up shit."

"Oh. I am sorry. He came by to search for Max and... well I got a beating of my own." Emma smiled "Don't worry. Nothing too serious, just gonna have a sore arm for a while."

"Well..." Bella said as she frowned "Don't worry. He won't bother us anymore."

"Good." Emma answered as she got closer to the girl, picking her up. "Let's run you a hot bath and clean the wound. I promise you that you will feel much better after."

"Thank you, E." Bella smiled for the first time since she entered the house "Can you take me to the arcade tomorrow. I kinda have a date..."

"With Max?" the brunette replied, grinning ear to ear.

"Yes.. she is my girlfriend now.." This one sentence made Emma chuckle as she kissed the girl's forehead. She was proud of her sister for being so brave and not only saving the world but also managing to contain her relationship at the same time.

"I am so proud of you, B. So fucking proud. And of course I will take you. After that you two can also stay the night, anything you wish." the taller girl said "My sister has superpowers. Holly shit."

"I still can't use them properly, you know. But I found myself a teacher."

"I don't care. If it's enough to kill monsters, then it's fucking epic." the brunette laughed, taking Bella to the bathroom and placing her in the bathtub "Just don't use them to scare me. Please."

"No promises." Annabelle grinned as she tried to move a shampoo towards her sister. Completely unsuccessful.

~~~A/N: This is a much shorter chapter compared to the two before that. I wanted to portray the sweet relationship these two have, so here you go! Tomorrow will be the Snow Ball, I promise!! Love you all and thank you for 100 reads <3 - 910 words- ~~~

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