17. The Sauna Test

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The rain was still pouring harshly outside as Max, Eleven and Bella got to the house. Annabelle watched as her friends frantically ran around the house, setting up heaters, because they were freezing. Once almost every single heat-providing device was in Eleven's room, they started changing into dry clothes.

"I wish I got clothes when we were at my house." Max mumbled as El passed her one of her shirts.

"At least Bella thought about the coats." Eleven sighed as she sat on the bed, bouncing up and down.

"Aren't you gonna change, B?" Max said once she turned around to face her girlfriend. She was still dripping water on the floor, but didn't seem to be bothered by that.

"I feel good like this." Bella shook her head as she stood by the window.

"You have to change." Max said, grabbing one of the oversized shirts Eleven had. "Let's go."

"Go where, Mayfield?" Bella grinned as she took small steps towards the girl. For a moment she forgot the burning feeling that was going through her body and focused on Max's eyes. The Redhead looked at her, blushing, not being able to form words.

"Follow me, Winston." she managed to mumble and make her way to the bathroom. The moment Bella stepped inside is the moment Max locked the door behind them and pinned the blonde girl to the wall.

The Redhead roughly smashed her lips onto Bella's, not leaving her any time to process what was happening. Max's hands quickly wrapped around Bella's neck, making the distance between their bodies even smaller.

"I missed that." Bella said as she pulled away from the kiss, grinning from ear to ear.

"And I missed making you a blushing mess." Max chuckled, "Now, if you want more, you will do as I say."

"Anything for you, Red." Bella felt her face acquire a slight tint of pink.

"Now. You are fucking soaked. Remove your pants and your hoodie." Max said as she got ready to give her girlfriend dry clothes. She couldn't help but look at her body. Bella had some muscles, but not too much. She was perfect in any possible sense.

"Done. Do I get a kiss now?" the blonde girl smiled innocently.

"Sure." Max laughed, giving her a quick kiss on the lips, "Now. I know you need to change completely, so I am leaving everything here." the Redhead said as she put the clothes on the cabinet next to her, "I will be waiting for you outside. Dry. Then you might get another kiss."

"Deal!" Bella said as she looked at Max leaving the bathroom. Trying not to lose any time, the girl quickly changed into the shirt Max had left along with the jeans. Although they were too short for her, she didn't feel uncomfortable in them.

"There she is!" Max exclaimed as she ran to Bella. The blonde girl smiled at the sudden contact, but didn't complain at all, "Jeez, was I away for that long?"

"Every second I am not with you feels like an eternity to me." Max looked at her, grinning.

"I was promised kisses here." Bella looked around innocently, "Where are they?"

The Redhead smiled as she gave her girlfriend a quick kiss and then looked at her straight in the eyes, "The rest when we are alone" she whispered and Bella nodded eagerly. The blonde girl made her way to the window and sat on the floor below it. Eleven and Max were on the bed, talking.

"Which one?" Max smiled at Eleven, holding "Wonder woman" and "Green lantern" comics.

"I don't know." Eleven shrugged.

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about anymore, okay?" Max tried easing the mood.

"Red, it doesn't make sense. Even I can see it." Bella answered, and Eleven shifted her attention towards the blonde girl, nodding.

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