19. Cuddles

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The lights in the hospital started flickering, making the teens uneasy. Bella looked at Will while the cold feeling hit her. She knew he could feel it as well. Everyone slowly gathered in the middle of the room, looking at the direction in which Nancy and Jonathan went to.

The boy slowly put his hand on his neck, shifting his gaze towards the blonde girl.

"He is here." Will shivered, his eyes glued to the elevator in front of him. Bella took a deep breath and looked at El. The brunette nodded, signaling that they need to check what is going on.

Bella quickly paced through the hospital, ignoring the yelling from the receptionist. Right now rules weren't what is important.

Eleven frantically kept pressing the elevator button, but it wasn't working. Of course it wasn't working, not when there is literal monsters in the building.

"The stairs!" Bella yelled and ran towards the snarling. Soon enough the group saw Jonathan while he was trying to break a glass window.

"Jonathan!" Bella shouted, quickly throwing him out of the door. He hit the other wall, falling on the ground. Mike and Will quickly ducked to check if he is okay, but they had bigger problems.

Annabelle put up her arm and exploded the door in front of them, revealing a huge monster made out of flesh.

"Jesus." Mike exclaimed, followed by Max saying "What the f--"

The creature roared, quickly making its way towards the group. Bella put her arm up and managed to pin the monster on one of the walls. She shouted as she moved her arm, causing the monster to hit the other wall and then the ceiling.

Energy quickly faded away from Bella, making her grunt as she hit the monster one final time on the floor. It screeched, before quickly repositioning itself, ready to attack again. This time Eleven held both of her hands up, screaming as she threw the monster out of the window.

"Go!" Bella said as she started making their way to the bottom floor. Jonathan stayed behind to check on Nancy, while the rest of the group went after Bella.


The teens made their way to the parking lot just to see that what is left from the monster was disappearing. Soon enough the only thing remaining were bones that didn't fit through the sewer.

Jonathan and Nancy joined the group shortly after, but they knew they couldn't do anything. Bella was tired and so was Eleven.

"B, are you okay?" Nancy ducked to hug the girl while Bella rested her head on her shoulder.

"I am sorry, Nance." Bella managed to say through sobs.

"You saved us." the older girl said, pulling away from the hug and looking towards Eleven, "You both saved us."


Bella was resting her head on Max's shoulder throughout the entire ride home. The Redhead didn't let go of her for a second, always holding her hand. She knew that her girlfriend needed the reassurance, but she didn't know how to give it to her.

Nancy was the one that picked up the blonde girl to move her back to Mike's basement. The older girl carefully placed her down, trying not to do any more damage to her body.

"Hey, are you okay?" Max said as she sat down next to Bella. The Redhead had no idea how to help her except just being there for her.

"Why am I so weak?" Bella whispered, trying not to give away the fact that tears were quickly rolling down from her eyes.

"You are not weak, B." Max whispered back in response, pulling the girl into a much needed hug, "You and El saved us. Saved Nancy and Jonathan."

"But we didn't kill it." the blonde girl responded, not caring if her girlfriend becomes aware of the fact that she is crying. She buried her face in Max's neck, quiet sobs escaping her mouth.

The Redhead held her close as she looked around to see if the others were looking at them. Thankfully, they didn't, because they were having a discussion about what to do next.

When noticing their absence, Eleven made her way to both girls. She saw that Bella was crying, but decided that it's not the time to comment on it. The brunette sat down next to Max and stood there until the two girls could no longer hear Bella's sobs.

"Is she okay?" El questioned when she made sure that Annabelle was asleep.

"No." Max sighed, not letting go of the sleeping girl, "What are we going to do?"

"I will try to find him tomorrow." the brunette responded, her voice cracking. It was clear that they were all scared.

"Billy?" Max whispered, unsure if she wanted to know the answer. El nodded before standing up.

"Take care of her. She needs you." the brunette said before making her way back to the group.

"I will." Max whispered and rested her head on Bella's head.


When Bella woke up she noticed that Max hugged her the entire night. She slowly pulled away, trying not to wake up her girlfriend, but failing.

"Good morning, love." Max whispered in her morning voice. Bella absolutely loved hearing it, so she didn't complain, not one bit.

"I am sorry for falling asleep on you." the girl answered, feeling her eyes sting.

"Please, don't be." her girlfriend chuckled, "I loved every second of it."

"Okay, I am going." Bella heard El's voice and looked at her confused.


"I will try to find them. Try to find Billy."

"I can help." Bella quickly stood up, but got pulled back down by Max.

"No. More cuddles." the girl said and Eleven laughed.

"If I can't find them you will try. Sounds good?" the brunette chuckled and Bella nodded, eager to spend time with Max.


"I will always be here for you, my love." Max whispered as she looked into Bella's eyes.

"I know. I will be too." the girl responded, pulling Max into a kiss. The Redhead's stomach filled with butterflies the moment Bella connected their lips.

"Thank you." Max smiled the moment Bella pulled away.

"Don't thank me, I needed it." the blonde girl chuckled.

"Hey, lovebirds. Do you want to help us?" Mike said with annoyance in his voice, but got hit by Nancy.

"Leave them alone." the older girl sighed and dialed someone.

"Fuck you, Mickey." Bella grinned and then put her head on Max's shoulder.

"I love you." Max whispered.

"I love you too, Red."

~~~ -1040 words- a much shorter chapter because it is very late. Tomorrow we are continuing with the next episode, wooo. Thank you for all the reads and support, it is very appreciated <33 ~~~

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