6. Will The Wise

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"Bella! Bella wake up! Can you hear me?"

"Bella please, please wake up!"

Max was trying her best to help Bella by shaking her, but it was useless. The shorter girl didn't move and her eyes stayed closed the entire time. The red head was powerless and had no way of helping her girlfriend. That's when she looked behind and saw all the boys and an older lady shouting at Will.

The red-haired girl wanted to stay with Bella, but Max knew she couldn't do anything to help her, so she ran outside,  hoping that the other group would know what to do. Once she got there the shorter boy woke up from his trance. The older lady, "probably his mom" Max thought, hugged him and held him by the hand, but Will just looked at her and said "Annabelle".

"What?" the woman questioned and looked around "Where is Annabelle?"

Max wanted to explain what was going on, but she couldn't form a single word. She just grabbed the woman's hand and dragged her inside the school, as quickly as she could. By the time they all arrived there Bella was still in her episode while Max was quietly sobbing, trying not to shift their attention from the blonde.

"Annabelle! Annabelle, wake up sweetie, it's Joyce. I am here for you baby, don't worry." Joyce said, trying to get Bella out of her trance. Max was thankful that Will's mom was so kind but she didn't think any of that would help.

That's when Emma barged in with worry on her face. She looked around and saw Bella in an episode and Joyce holding her. "Mrs. Byers, what's going on?"

At that same time Bella opened her eyes and almost fell on the floor, but Joyce's arms held her still. Maybe it was the sudden noise that was responsible for this or maybe it was just a coincidence, no one really knew but everyone felt a relief when they saw that Bella was back.

The blonde, however, looked terrified and relieved at the same time. She couldn't feel her legs properly and her eyes were hurting like there were particles in them. Everyone was talking around her and probably asking her something but her ears were ringing and she couldn't hear any of them. Joyce was still holding her like a baby, not leaving her side, but Bella knew that she had to get home and forget about everything that happened. She looked at Emma and signaled that she doesn't want to be here anymore and her older sister immediately understood.


Bella woke up in her bed around 2 am. She had no idea how she got home or how she went in her bed or why her sister was sleeping on the floor next to her. The only thing Annabelle knew and could feel was the awful headache she was experiencing right now, along with tiny bits of what happened the previous day. She could remember being with Max and Mike in the gym, the red head falling, searching for Will and then everything was blank.

Annabelle got up, careful not to wake up her sister, and went to the kitchen to get something that would stop her headache. She was however unsuccessful in keeping Emma asleep.

"Hey, are you doing better?" Emma asked, worry showing in her sleepy voice.

"I am doing fine, but I don't remember much of what happened." Bella responded right after she swallowed the painkiller.

"Do you want me to tell you what I remember and you will tell me what you remember?" the older sibling proposed, eager to know what the episode was about. Bella nodded, leaving the empty glass next to the sink and walking to the brown couch in the living room.

Emma started explaining how she got to the school and Bella asked her to wait, but she got worried and decided to check on her. How she was having an episode and after that couldn't walk without help so she had to carry her home. Emma knew that what she saw wasn't much, but was hopeful that it would help her sister remember. Bella listened closely and the confusion on her face was clear.

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now