29. Big Bad Monster

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Enjoy this much shorter chapter in comparison to the others, hehe

"Where is Bella?" Emma opened the front door to her house, making everyone jump from their places. The brunette girl quickly let in everyone behind her before she closed the door, still expecting an answer from the group standing in the kitchen.

"She is upstairs." Robin answered with a hint of annoyance in her voice as she saw Nancy and Emma together. Emma nodded, immediately making her way to Bella's room.

She paced through the house and as soon as she was in front of Bella's room, tried opening the door, but soon discovered that it was locked. So the brunette knocked, trying her best to sound as loud as possible. After a couple of seconds filled with silence, she knocked again, harder this time.

"Fuck." the girl mumbled, ready to knock a third time, but a cold hand stopped her. Looking to her right she saw Robin's blue eyes.

"Leave them alone for a bit." the brunette forced a smile, "They haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Them?" Emma questioned, not noticing that Max wasn't with the rest of the group, "Is she in there with Max?"

Robin nodded before Emma spoke again, "I have to see her too. That's not fair."

"We all want to see her babe, she saved all of our asses, but shouldn't she be the one to make that choice?" the blue-eyed brunette rolled her eyes, "Plus, we all wanted to get her home and what did you do? You went to get Nancy. Nancy!"

"Rob, I swear to God." Emma sighed, taking Robin's arm and dragging her to her own room before locking the door, "What is all this?"

"I am just fucking tired of you never ever making time for me! It's always Nancy!" Robin whisper yelled, trying not to alert the others about the arguments the two girls were having, "It's all fucking bullshit!"

Emma looked at her wide-eyed, not entirely sure what to say. Granted, she does spend some time with Nancy, but it's not like it's without a reason. The two were getting ready for college and Emma needed to do some studying.

"Babe, it's not like this..." Emma whispered back in response, making Robin scoff.

"Then what is it like, Emma?" the blue-eyed girl said while tears started to form in her eyes, "Tell me you don't like her. Say it!"

"What?" Emma exclaimed, "I don't like her! I like you!"

"And when was the last time you showed me that?" Robin questioned, allowing hot tears to run down her face. The brunette tried holding them back, but she couldn't. It was painful to see your lover get more and more distanced from you.

"I--" Emma acquired a sudden interest to the floor.

"You left your fucking sister to go and get Nancy." Robin wiped her tears using her arm and sighed, waiting for a response.

"It's not like it was just her!" Emma defended, but kept her eyes on the floor, scared to look at her girlfriend, "I am sorry, Rob."

"Whatever, Emma." Robin frowned and moved Emma away from the door in an attempt to leave.

"Wait." the brunette said, locking eyes with her girlfriend.

"What?" the blue-eyed girl said while her eyes showed a hint of hope. She wanted Emma to change, to not leave her all of the time.

Emma immediately pulled Robin by the shirt, locking their lips in a desperate kiss. The brunette didn't hesitate to kiss back as Emma gently grazed her lip, asking for entrance. Robin complied, deepening the kiss as her tongue dominated over Emma's.

"Jump." Robin whispered into the kiss and Emma quickly followed her order as the blue-eyed girl pinned her against the wall. Within a second Emma's legs were wrapped around Robin's waist in a desperate attempt to shorten the barely existing distance between the two.

Emma's hands started unbuttoning Robin's shirt and doing a miserable job at it. The blue-eyed girl smiled as she pulled away from the kiss, taking a second to look into Emma's brown eyes, getting lost somewhere in the process.

"Please..." Emma whimpered, snapping Robin back to reality as the girl looked down just to see herself in a bra. Smirking, she moved her lips to Emma's neck, placing feather-light kisses. But the brunette started getting harsher with each one, and so did Emma's whimpers.

"Fuck, that's my favorite noise." Robin smirked as she took a look at all the purple marks on Emma's neck, "And that's my favorite sight."

"They will hear us." Emma whispered, trying to get down but her body working against her as her hands trailed to Robin's chest. The brunette felt herself getting redder and redder the longer her hands stood on her girlfriend's body.

"Are you sure you want me to stop, E?" Robin smirked as she pulled away from the wall, letting Emma almost fall down due to her legs giving out. Emma looked back at her flustered, her entire face burning as she craved her girlfriend's touch.

"Consider this a punishment." Robin laughed, "Let's go see your sister."

Emma leaned on the wall, letting out a sigh in the process, before looking in the mirror.

"Robin!" Emma yelled, making Robin erupt into laughter.

"Yes, babe?" she asked innocently, very aware of the 3 purple marks on Emma's neck. The brunette looked to her drawers to find her foundation, but Robin just giggled as she stole it not too long ago.

"Give it to me." Emma rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Never." Robin grinned widely with challenging eyes.


"Yes, Winston?" the brunette's eyes fluttered innocently.

"Give. It. To. Me." Emma said, pretending to get angry, but failing.

"Make me." Robin laughed, holding the bottle of foundation and slightly wiggling it in front of her girlfriend's face.

"Fuck you, Buckley." Emma mumbled with a sigh, after failing to retrieve the bottle.

"That's what I thought." Robin smiled, "Let's go show them who you belong to."

Emma sighed, but complied. The brunette unlocked the door, but the moment she opened it they saw Bella and Max leaving the room, her sister's neck in a similar state as hers. Bella looked at her and her eyes immediately fell on Emma's neck.

Robin looked at Max and both laughed after inspecting each other's girlfriends.

"Some things just run in the family, don't they?" Robin grinned, making Bella look at the floor while Max laughed.

"No 'thank you Bella from saving us from the big bad monster?'" Bella rolled her eyes in annoyance, making Robin giggle.

"Sorry, lil' Winston." she laughed, "Maybe under different circumstances."

"I hate you, Robin." Bella laughed as she took her girlfriend's hand.

"Thank you for saving our asses, lil' Winston." Robin said with a slight smile, "Really, thank you."

"Never again." Bella sighed as she tightened the grip she had on Max's hand, "Can we just order a pizza? I will have to talk with everyone downstairs anyway, so might as well make it a gathering."

Robin looked at Emma and both of them nodded in agreement.

"Of course, B." Emma smiled, "Let's go."

The four girls made their way downstairs, earning laughs and giggles after everyone saw them. Emma ordered pizzas while everyone mostly talked with Bella and thanked her. Max stood next to her girlfriend the entire time, not letting go of her hand. The Redhead couldn't be any happier to have her girlfriend here with her.

~~~ A/N: - 1887 words - This chapter wasn't planned at all and I am hesitating to press the publish button, but I do hope that you will enjoy it. I wanted to finish the smut scene between Robin and Emma, but I wasn't sure if any of you would be interested in it. So here I go with another question, would you like for that to possibly happen some time in the future? Meanwhile do noooot forget to hydrate. Very important lil thing. ~~~

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