13. Blueberry Pancakes

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~~~ This is just a random day in Max and Bella's daily lives and holds no value in the plot~~~

"Good morning, love." Max smiled when she saw her girlfriend waking up "Slept well?"

"Yeah." Bella yawned and slowly stood up in bed "When did you wake up?"

"Maybe an hour ago. I was just excited for today."

"Whats today?" Bella got up from the bed and made her way towards her wardrobe. She picked up a blue and a yellow hoodie, along with dark blue and black jeans. One set for her and one set for Max. Due to the Redhead having sleepovers often, Annabelle had to buy more clothes as her girlfriend would often "borrow" some. The blonde girl however didn't mind at all. She loved seeing Max happy, and if it was at the cost of a hoodie, then so be it.

"I don't know, you tell me, Cupcake." the girl grinned. Bella loved seeing her smile, although the blonde was confused about what exactly she was supposed to know.

"No clue, Red. Give me a hint." Saying that, Bella tossed a set of clothes towards Max and started changing from her pajamas.

"Okay, well, what day is today?" Max kept smiling as she looked at the blonde.

"Uh... Wednesday?" Now Bella was fully clothed into her outfit for the day. Upon answering, Max quickly got up to her and gave her a soft kiss, enough to send the blonde into an utter bliss.

"Guess again..." Max's hands wrapped around Bella, bringing their bodies closer.

"Oh... Ooooh.." Bella exclaimed as realization hit her. It was her birthday today, something that she never thought was possible to forget.

"Happy birthday, love." Max smiled as she pulled Bella for another kiss "Do you want to do anything specific or are you going to fully trust me?"

"I trust you." Bella grinned "As long as I get an ice cream by the end of the day, I will be pleased."

"Anything for you, birthday girl." Max said as she quickly changed into Bella's clothes. "Emma and Robin are working today, right?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Good. Let's go then."

"But wait. Me and El are supposed to meet soon. I can't just ditch her."

"Oh don't worry. I called her and let her know you will be taking a day off of training." Max grabbed Bella's hand, dragging her to the kitchen as she presented blueberry pancakes. Bella's favourite.

"Wait. Let me get this straight. You, Maxine Mayfield, called Eleven Hopper willingly and didn't have a screaming match?" the blonde girl said as she sat down on the table in front of the just a bit burned pancakes.

"Yes, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't done it as well." Max chuckled and took a seat beside Bella.

"Wow. It's like you are a whole new person."

"I guess so." Max was now grinning ear to ear "C'mon, eat faster, we gotta go."

"Fine, fine. And thank you, they are amazing." Annabelle smiled.

After what seemed like a year to Max and 5 minutes to Bella, the two girls were out of the house and on the blonde girl's bike. Both of them were excited for the day, as the Redhead had a whole plan laid out. First they were going to get some ice cream. Then the pair would go into a shopping spree around the mall. Once they were ready, the two of them would go to Lovers Lake and meet Lucas, Will, Mike and Eleven, hopefully all on time. Sadly, Dustin was off to Science Camp, so he wasn't able to attend.

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