34. Vecna's Curse

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~~~ TW: self harm, I will mark with * where the scene starts and ends ~~~

Bella woke up in cold sweat as her mind was racing. She could vividly remember the nightmare that played out while she slept. Trying to shake off the feeling of unknown fear, the blonde girl stood up from the bed and made her way to the kitchen, careful not to wake up Billy or Max.

Getting to the kitchen, she poured herself a glass of water. Her body welcomed the liquid as her throat hurt with every gulp. She looked around to see a cigarette pack standing on the side, probably Billy's.


"Don't think like that." Bella scolded herself as her hand mindlessly went to get a cigarette. She looked at it intently, her consciousness screaming at her to stop while her body begged her to continue.

She grabbed the lighter that was standing next to the ash tray and lit up the cigarette effortlessly, knowing she did that many times before. Annabelle eyed it from top to bottom, watching the smoke slowly hit the ceiling. Taking a deep breath, she neared the burning cigarette to her left wrist as her breath hitched.

Closing her eyes, she made contact with her skin, making her grunt in pain. Her hand automatically moved away as her self-preservation instinct made her stop. But she didn't.

Instead, the blonde girl opened her eyes and once again forced contact between the cigarette and her left wrist. The cigarette dimmed as it was almost put off, but Bella continued. She whimpered at the pain as she made sure that the item in her hands was completely put off. After a bit, she let out a sigh of relief.

Annabelle looked at cigarette again, wanting to repeat the same thing. She would rather feel physical than mental pain. Her eyes darted to the lighter again and she swiftly grabbed it. Just as she was about to relight it again, someone joined her in the kitchen.


"Hey?" Max questioned with a yawn as a guilty expression spread across Bella's face. Max was confused as to what her girlfriend was doing in the kitchen with a lighter and a cigarette in her hand.

"Love, you said you wouldn't smoke?" Max frowned as she snatched the cigarette out of Bella's shaking hand. The blonde girl looked at her wide-eyed, just like a kid would when they know they have been caught.

"I-I..." Bella tried explaining, "I wasn't..."

"Then what?" Max furrowed her brows as she crossed her hands in front of her chest. The confusion grew even stronger upon hearing those words.

"I... uh..." Bella's eyes fell on her wrist as she quickly put it in her pocket, trying to think of a proper explanation. Max immediately noticed that as her mind started getting flooded with possible outcome, "Just wanted to.. play with it?"

Max chuckled lightly, not even taking in mind that Bella would think she is that stupid, "I know you all too well, Love. Now tell me, what were you doing if not smoking?"

Bella looked at the floor with a sigh as Max raised her left eyebrow. She quickly connected the dots, remembering the gesture her girlfriend made minutes ago.

"Show me your left hand." The Redhead commanded as her gaze didn't leave the girl in front of her.

"Max..." Annabelle said as she looked up to face her, "That's not—"

"I said, show me your left hand." The ginger girl repeated as Bella sighed, removing her hand from her pocket. She knew Max would know if she used her powers, so trying would be worthless.

Max quickly got her hand and turned it around to inspect her wrist. The red shade that was spread all across it, along with two black-ish spots, confirmed her thoughts.

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