28. Soft Spot

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Before we start with today's chapter, I would like to thank PotatoNight for the amazing cover! Please give her some love, she really is an amazing designer <333

And without further ado,

"Fuck." Annabelle whimpered every time Steve went over a bump on the road. Although the boy was trying to be careful, the roads in Hawkins weren't the best known to humanity .

"Steve, slow the fuck down!" Max yelled every time Bella squirmed in her hands. The Redhead was worried for her girlfriend, more than anything right now. She didn't want to lose her again, not when they have been through so much.

"Max, I understand that you are worried." Steve hit his hand on the window in anger, "But I am going 30 in a 50! It's not my fault the fucking roads are worse than Robin's attempts at flirting!"

"Hey!" Robin exclaimed, wide-eyed, "You didn't just say that!"

"Yes, yes I fucking did." the boy bit back, going over a hole and making the whole car shake. Bella whimpered once again, feeling her blue gown getting wetter. The blue-eyed girl looked down to see a blood spot form there.

"Shit." Bella mumbled as she brought her hand to the red spot and then to her face to inspect it, "Fuck."

Max looked down to check on her girlfriend and that's when she noticed it as well. The wound had reopened. Frightened for Bella, Max yelled at Steve and Robin, causing them to put a pause on their bantering, "Please shut the fuck up and go faster!"

"But I thought--" Steve rolled his eyes before Max cut him off.

"She is bleeding!" the girl yelled back, her voice filled with pain and worry, "Please Steve, please."

The boy nodded and started going faster while everyone else looked at the blonde girl to see if they can help with anything.

Robin was the first one to break the silence, "Emma will kill us when we bring her sister all bloody at home."

Steve looked at her and let out a sigh before he spoke, "Well next time she should be here. Remind me why she didn't come with us again?"

"She had to go get Nancy." Robin rolled her eyes.

"Nancy?" Steve raised his brows and the brunette nodded with a sigh.

"Just don't kill me, okay?" Max leaned in to whisper to Bella and the blonde girl nodded, "I will keep the pressure on the wound so you don't bleed, but it will hurt. I am sorry."

"Will I die?" Bella whispered back as she felt Max's hands on her body and soon after pain.

"No, B. You will be okay." Max forced a smile, trying to reassure the blonde girl, "Just stay with us. Okay?"

Bella nodded with a whimper, trying her best to stop the tears that were begging to escape her eyes. Even though she said she knew what to do, in reality this wasn't the case. She was scared for her life, for her sister and for her friends.


"Place her in her room!" Max ordered and went to the kitchen in search of anything that would help. Going from cabinet to cabinet, she found an old bandage from when she took care of Bella's previous wound, along with some cheap alcohol Emma bought months ago. The Redhead knew that this wouldn't help as much as professional help would, but she didn't care. There were no other options.

With quick steps she made her way to Bella's room, seeing that everyone except Bella was standing in the corridor. She gave them a confused look, not entirely sure what they were doing there.

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now