32. The Hellfire Club

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Slight TW for this chapter, mentions of PTSD, Depression, Self Harm.


Steve and Robin were talking about girls as Emma and Max stood in the back, the two mindlessly looking through the car windows. Harrington would often come to get them to school, and today was no different. Except, for some time now, something was missing. Someone.

"Oh my fucking god, Steve, please!" Max yelled at the boy once he started talking about boobs, making both Robin and Emma gag.

"What!?" the boy scoffed, "Everyone in here likes boobies! I like boobies! Robin likes Emma's boobies! Max likes Be--"

"Just stop there before I kill you." she cut him off, sighing, as she put on her headphones in a desperate attempt to drown their voices and her own thoughts.

Emma's hand removed the headphones, making the Redhead roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Can we talk about it?" the brunette sighed as she looked at Steve.

"We know where she is, can't we just go and get her?" Max's eyes started tearing up as she desperately looked at Emma.

"You think that if you force the super powers girl in her house she will talk with you?" Robin said, as she turned back to look at the two girls, "Sorry I... don't know why I said that."

"N-No, you're right Rob..." Emma said as she put her hand on Max's shoulder, "We just need her to talk with us, that's all."

The Redhead had a blank expression on her face. Ever since Bella broke up with her, she couldn't catch a lot of sleep and her classes started falling apart. Emma suggested going to a therapist, but the school forced her to go, so it was useless to pay for one. Talking about her feelings made her realize how much her mom leaving hurt her, even though she was abusive both mentally and physically. And she already knew how much trauma she gathered while looking at the girl she loved almost die.

Mrs. Kelly was someone Max had to go to every Thursday, and she couldn't help but notice Bella's file once when she went too early. Just as she was about to open it, Mrs. Kelly came in the room and ruined any attempt at getting information about her girlfriend's life. The only thing she knew was that she was staying across Billy's trailer. The Redhead would sometimes see her when she visits her step-brother, but the blonde girl always avoids eye contact at all cost.

"I will talk with her today. Even if it means talking to Eddie." Max stated and Emma nodded, "I am doing anything to get her back."

"You love her, don't you?" Steve smirked as she looked at the back mirror.

"Of course I do." Max stated as she crossed her arms, "More than anything."


The sun slowly started crawling over the horizon, its sunbeams shining directly through one of the very few windows in Eddie's trailer. The school year has began and it hasn't been easy on anyone - especially Bella. With more memories resurfacing and making her question her own being, the blonde girl has had a hard time keeping up with the school work.

"Elle!" Bella heard Eddie's groggy voice, making her drop the scissor that she was holding. She cursed herself as she rolled her eyes, ducking to grab it. The girl started working on her hair again before she answered.

"I told you not to call me like that, Ed!" Bella shouted back in response, trying not to fuck anything up with her hairstyle.

The blonde girl saw Eddie's figure as he made his way to the kitchen. Before he responded or said anything, the boy started going through the kitchen cabinets, searching for something. After a minute or two of him sighing, he gave up and sat down on the table.

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