26. Nineteen

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"Where are we?" Annabelle whispered as she scanned the unfamiliar field they were in. She knew how powerful Henry was. The Mind Flayer or a demogorgon is nothing compared to what he can do.

"Don't be scared, Nineteen." his harsh voice vibrated inside Bella's body, sending shivers down her spine. It was always him. Always has been.

"Can you maybe call me by my real name?" the blonde girl asked as her gaze fell to the grass below them. She almost felt embarrassed by the request, knowing that they weren't there to chit chat nor be friends. Frankly, she wasn't sure why he was helping her and not killing her right then and there.

"That is your real name." he responded, his eyes locked on the black storm in front of them, "We are not normal humans. And never will be."

"I am scared." the girl admitted as her eyes darted to the same spot as his.

"I am not going to hurt you, Nineteen." Henry's gaze moved to the blonde girl next to him. His expression was unreadable, at least to Annabelle. He always looked ready to kill, and this time was no exception. The amount of fear she always felt when he looked at her was immeasurable.

"Why?" Bella's voice cracked as she let quiet sobs escape her lips. She genuinely didn't want to be there, the only thing she wished for is to wake up from this episode like every single time. But she knew she wouldn't.

"We are the same." Henry's voice became lower as he spoke, "We can fix the world. You just need to trust me, Nineteen."

"Okay." she whispered as she used her arm to wipe her tears, "What are we doing here?"

The man just nodded, his gaze shifting back to the monster. They stood in silence, before Henry spoke, "Manipulate it."


"You know how."

Bella sighed as she concentrated on the chaotic black storm in front of her. It was like a thousand black particles were flying around in an unorganized formation. The blonde girl closed her eyes and lifted her arm as she tried to shape it. She felt her nose drip blood as she opened her eyes.

In front of her she saw the spider-like Mind Flayer from her episodes. Not the monster made out of human flesh. Its actual, true form.

"Good job, Nineteen." she heard Henry say before her vision started getting blurry. She quickly blinked, trying to prevent any fainting that might be coming her way, "Can you feel it?"

"Feel what?" she mumbled while inhaling rapidly.

"The power. Your power." he said, his eyes locked on hers, "Command it."


"You know how."

The girl looked at the monster in front of her, the energy quickly fading away from her body. She lifted her arm up again, positioning it right in front of its face. Closing her eyes, she envisioned it take another shape. She could feel the side of her head getting wet, like someone poured stone cold water on her.

Her hand immediately went to touch the left side of her face while she opened her eyes. Before she could see what was the liquid, her eyes froze on the Mind Flayer in front of her. Its form was now completely different. It represented some kind of bird, like an eagle. Before she could say anything, she shifted her eyes to her hand. There was blood.

"I am impressed, Nineteen." Henry's voice stopped her train of thoughts, "I couldn't reshape it."

Bella didn't say anything, she just stood in one spot as her eyes didn't move away from her hand. Before she could say anything, everything became black as she lost consciousness. Her body hit the field as 001 watched.

Her Perfect Mistake // Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now