37. Dear Mom

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~~~ A/N: I am not saying this is the most words I have written in a single chapter, I am just saying that the word count is 11250. Brace yourselves, because this is a tough one. (Also one that is way too long for me to proofread. Sorry.) ~~~

Bella gasped as she opened her eyes, revealing 3 of her frightened friends. She looked around, recognizing the room she was currently standing in. The girl looked down to the desk, different folders laying on top of it. She gulped down, remembering what she saw.

"Bella, are you okay?!" Steve asked, terrified as she silently nodded, taking one of the flashlights.

"I-I saw a..." Bella furrowed her brows as everyone looked at her, "Come with me."

She made fast steps, following the path she took in her 'episode'. The girl couldn't help but notice how different it felt now in comparison to before. The darkness always scared her, but this time, she was ready to fight it.

Annabelle opened the bathroom door, expecting to see the same old, cracked grandfather clock there. But the room was empty. Nothing was there.

"I swear, there was a grandfather clock there." she pointed with the light of her flashlight, turning back to see Emma, Robin and Nancy running to them.

"A grandfather clock?" Nancy asked, out of breath.

"Yeah i-it was so..." Bella trailed off, looking at her girlfriend, "so real... I-it chimed and ticked and everything..."

"It chimed?" Emma asked with furrowed brows as her sister nodded in response.

"And then, when I got closer, suddenly I just..." Annabelle continued, her voice trembling while trying to not alert the others of the tears that were begging to escape, "... I woke up."

"It was like she was in a trance or something." Dustin's voice filled the silence. He was trying his best to explain to everyone that just joined them about the situation.

"Exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy..." Robin mumbled, looking at her girlfriend. Emma was frozen in place as her eyes showed the terror running through her veins.

"That's not even the bad part." Bella heard Max's voice as she locked their eyes. The Redhead's voice was shaking, while her eyes were filled with tears. She grabbed Annabelle's arm, dragging everyone back inside Ms. Kelley's office.

Max opened all the folders and put them on the page with descriptions. Everyone was able to compare the three pieces of paper.

"Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Miss Kelley for help." Max began explaining as Bella had her eyes fixated on the window, staring at the nothingness outside, "Uh they both have headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away. And then... then the nightmares, trouble sleeping. They'd wake up in cold sweat. Then they started seeing things."

"Seeing things?" Emma switched from paper to paper, as if that would change the ink plastered over them.

"Yeah." Max mumbled, looking at her girlfriend, "Bad things. From their past."

"These visions, they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually..." Max trailed off as the rest of the sentence felt way too painful to pronounce. She decided that it would be better left unsaid.

"Say it." Bella whispered, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Love, n--" the girl tried fighting, but was cut off by Annabelle yelling, "Say it, Max! Say it!"

"until... they..." the ginger girl sighed, "... died."

Everyone looked at her, everyone except Emma. Her mind was going 100 miles every second, imagining every possible outcome. In not a single one did her sister survive. She would be left completely alone, with her dad occasionally sending money out of pity.

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