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General POV
Riley had been gone for three days - the date was the 15th of November.

Tony was doing all he could to try and find Riley, she had only been apart of the Avengers for to months yet formed a bond with most of the team. Tony, wasn't as close to Riley as he was with Peter but still saw her as family. He also hated how upset Peter was, Peter had deflated, his usual puppy-like behaviour had changed into a very solemn and grieving one, Peter wasn't really Peter anymore. May could see this too, everyone could see it.

Riley's disappearance had takes a toll on the whole team, but especially to the members Riley was closest too.

Tony was sitting at his many computers, he was researching all he could. Trying to find any security camera images to tracking. Even old Hydra bases. He was desperately searching to find any sign of Riley Walker. But every single search he did came up with nothing, absolutely nothing. Pepper walked into the room to find Tony in a very stressed state. She gently hugged him and turned his head away from the computer. He sighed and accepted the hug Pepper had offered.

"I know, I know how much you want to find Riley, how much you want to see Peter happier and Riley safe but you need a break. You need sleep, you could also ask for the team's input, remember you are not alone" Pepper offered, she hated seeing her boyfriend like this.

Tony smiled "thats a great idea Pep, I'll call a meeting" Tony announces before looking around the room "Fri, call a meeting, get everyone to the meeting, actually no. Main room please" Tony instructed before leaving the room with his phone after giving Pepper a kiss on the cheek.

"Thats not what I meant! I meant sleep and get the teams help later" Pepper shouted, but eventually her voice went to a regular volume and faded out into a sigh as she shook her head she followed Tony.

The Avengers slumped into the meeting room and all sat down, that included: Tony, Sam, Pietro, Steve, Bucky, Loki, Thor, Clint, Nat, Yelena, Kate, Bruce, Vision, Wanda and Peter, along with Pepper, bee though she is not an 'Avenger' she was part of the family. Wanda was one of the last people to come in, her eyes red and he head dropped towards the floor tiredly. She hadn't been getting much sleep as nightmares plagued her mind.

Peter was the last to enter, his usual energy was gone and he slowly walked into the room. The wide smile that used to be there was gone, instead a very morbid and saddened expression remained on his face. Losing Riley was like loosing a sibling to him, they were very close and had known each other for a while, even if they were more distant before becoming vigilantes. Sitting in his chair Peter let his head lean on the table in front of him, he really didn't want to be there. Normally he would be ecstatic to have been invited to an Avenger's meeting but today he would have rather been swinging through the city looking for Riley or spending time with Wanda and Pietro trying to distract themselves from the immense grief they all felt.

"I think you all know what this meeting is about. We need to find Riley, I need every Avenger to help. I need ideas" Tony offers, he is getting desperate.

"We can use drones to locate her" Bruce suggested, Tony nods and wrote it down on the notepad he had grabbed.

"Me and Clint can try and hack into whoever needed for any information" Natasha suggests, everyone nods agreeing, they know Nat, Clint are the best hackers.

Peter jigs his leg anxiously, the talk about Riley has just made him nervous. He wants to find her, talking about her makes him more stressed as it makes him realise how hard it will be to get her back.

"We can also try and locate any older bases and check for anything we may have missed along with using the drones to find new ones" Steve suggests. There were mourners of agreement, that was the best suggestion.

The Avengers sit in the room for a while contemplating ideas and suggestions that any may have. Wanda and Peter were silent the whole time lost deep in their minds and thoughts. Nat was concerned for the pair.

Eventually the meeting comes to an end, Tony keep Peter behind and hugs him tightly, he could tell the boy was anxious and stressed for the whole meeting. Peter embraces the hug and sobs into Tony's shoulder, he has been hiding his tears for the three days Riley has been missing. Tony hugs the boy and holds him tight. "We will find her Pete, I promise I will do my best and find her as quickly as I can, is there anything you need" Tony offers, Peter shakes his head and breaks away from the hug.

"Thank you Tony" Peter says smiling up at his mentor and father figure. Tony smiles sadly back. He loves Peter like his own son and absolutely hates seeing him so upset and down. Tony gently kisses Peter on the forehead. The pair separate and head in different directions. Pepper, who was watching the interaction, smiles. she knows that Tony can be sensitive and vulnerable, he just doesn't like to show it.

Peter trudges to his room sadly but reassured, he loves Tony and trusts him enough to find Riley safe and alive.

Wanda went to her room, after a few minutes of debating Nat decided to follow her. As soon as Wanda got into her room she slumped onto the bed, tears started to pool into her eyes at the thought of Riley. He thoughts spiralled as her breathing quickened. Natasha arrived at Wanda's room to see the girl hyperventilating as a panic attack began to set in.

Natasha went over to Wanda and wrapped the girl in a hug, "Wanda, we will find Riley. We will try our hardest I know I can't promise you when we will find her but we will try to get her as quickly as we can. I am always here if you need me, everyone in the compound is here for you and each other" Natasha says, reassuring the girl. Eventually Wanda calms down and cries into Nat's shoulder as Natasha gently rubs circles on her back.

"Thank you Natasha" Wanda whispers

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