210.Increasingly Sick

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Who knew misfortune would befall on whom!

On the third floor, inside Lilan’s room, Eunha threw herself on the bed. She punched against the Simmons bedding in anger, creating loud, thumping noises. “Mom, mom! I’m so angry! Look at that cheap wench! See how arrogant she is!”

Lilan supported her up from the bed dotingly. As she took in Eunha’s beautiful, young features, her expression was indulgent. “My Eunha is a noble princess. Lalisa, the fat wench, is but an ugly toad. She won’t be able to remain arrogant for too long.”

“Mom, I have to tell you something. I followed Lisa recently and learned a big secret!” Eunha whispered in her mom’s ear with a confident expression.

Lilan’s eyes widened. “Very good. That Lisa doesn’t know how to be content in her position as Jungkook’s fiancée. She actually dared to betray Jungkook. I’ll see how Jungkook deals with her!”

“We can’t give anything away till the last moment. We have to make sure Lisa doesn’t become suspicious. The next time we meet Jungkook, I’ll let her face the consequences.”

“Why didn’t you say anything when Jungkook visited us now?”

“That’s because I had no way of approaching Jungkook.” Eunha had learned to be patient.

“The reason I didn’t say it in public wasn’t to save Lisa’s face. If I revealed the fact that she’s being kept by an old man in front of everyone, it would harm Jungkook’s face. Then, even if he abandons Lisa, he would still hate me for being the type of woman who betrayed her own sister. The next time Jungkook visits, I’ll borrow someone else’s knife instead. This way, if I succeed, I would have successfully caught the fish. If it fails, the matter would be unrelated to me and I won’t be impacted.”

“My daughter, you’ve improved and have a better foresight now.” Lilan nodded happily. “Do you want mom to arrange the knife for you? Or…”

“I have someone in mind. You don’t have to worry about this matter.”


Eunha narrowed her eyes viciously. “When Lisa turns into an abandoned trash, I’ll see how she still dares to compete with me!”

The next day, Lisa made another visit to the prison.

Sehun had caught a cold. She offered a few words of concern and updated him on several matters. She suggested to him that if he pretended to have contracted a serious cough in front of others, she would arrange for him to be temporarily released for medical treatment.

Sehun returned to the one-person prison cell that he had occupied for the past two days. A young man dressed in the prison uniform immediately followed after him. He locked the steel door and quickly explained. “I’m Chen Aili. I used to be a make-up artist. The Third Lee Lady has arranged for me to be here.”

Chen Aili brought a compact, make-up pouch out of his armpit. There was a small palette, an eyeliner, a concealer… everything he could possibly need.

However, the quantity was rather small and he could use these products only a few times.

“The ‘crime’ I committed will be dismissed in a few days. My mission is to give you several days of makeover, and to help you appear especially ill. This way, you will be able to meet the requirements for external medical attention.”

Between his words, Chen Aili quickly began to pat the powder on Sehun’s face. He also applied a brandless lotion on his face. Very quickly, the originally, energetic-looking Fang Shaohua appeared like a weak, ill man. “I won’t make the changes to appear too drastic for now. For the next two days, I will gradually intensify it for you to seem increasingly ill. The make-up is waterproof. Since you are in this cell alone, no one will touch the things. I’ll leave the make-up items in the toilet’s water tank for the next few days. When I’m released from this place, I’ll take it along with me.”

Sehun nodded lightly.

Once Chen Aili left his prison cell, Sehun asked a prison guard to take him to the infirmary.

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