392.There's A Misunderstanding

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“If you still won’t get lost from here, there are ten more buckets of hot water waiting for you!” She left those words behind and turned to return to the room.

Mingyu’s handsome face nearly twisted with anger.

Tzuyu, who laid on the upper bunk bed, became curious. “Lisa, why is Jeon Mingyu here for you?”

“What else could it be?” Lisa pursed her lips in disdain. “He is but a leech in the Bai family. He hopes to make use of me to approach Jungkook.”

“It turns out that he is Jeon Mingyu.” Shuhua had previously heard Eunha mention the matters between Lisa and him. “Why is he looking for you?”

“That’s simple. It’s because I’m Jungkook’s fiancée.”

Shuhua added with a peculiar tone. “Then why did I hear that the two of you eloped previously?”

Lisa was not annoyed by her words. She snorted. “Did you hear it from my second sister, Eunha?”

The incident where she ‘eloped’ with Mingyu was not made public.

With Shuhua’s status, there’s no way she would have caught wind of the Jeon family’s matters.

Previously, this Wu woman had clung strongly onto Eunha. Lisa guessed that she must have heard about it then.

“What about it?” Shuhua harrumphed in disdain. “Although your second sister is a hypocrite, it can’t be that everything she says is false. If there really isn’t anything between the two of you, would he insist on waiting to see you in school?”

“Idiot. If this old woman is related to him in any way, would I pour boiling water on him?”

Shuhua was left speechless.

She hated Lisa and Tzuyu  deeply. She would be happy to watch either one of them meet with misfortune.

At the sports field not far away, a beautiful figure walked with a pair of crutches in the direction of dormitory building D1.

A female student shouted in the direction of that figure. “Quickly look! The world’s most capable hypocrite, the White Lotus Flower Lee Eunha is here! To think she still has the face to come to school! Whenever I look at her, I always remember what she said about enduring a hundred lifetimes to finally become Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée.”

“Hahaha, at the time this old man had been deeply moved by her emotional speech.” Another male student laughed loudly. “It turns out that she’s just a delusional, imitation good!”

He glanced at her in disdain. “If Eunha, this damn bitch, wasn’t relying on crutches, this old man would start to beat her up!”

Eunha’s complexion turned pale. She had considered that other students may wish to harm her and intentionally relied on the crutches to appear pitiful.

At the very least, no one would dare hurt her now that she looked weak.

She wanted to argue back but saw that all the students around her appeared to be furious.

Eunha was frightened into taking the long way around. Everyone whom she passed by, shot her looks of disdain.

Even Jungkook himself had called her shameless. Hence, these guys naturally looked down on her.

As Lisa had been working out for quite some time, she often soaked her feet in hot water no matter if it was in the afternoon.

She sat comfortably on the lower bunk bed and soaked her feet. When she heard the commotion outside, she put on her shoes to step onto the balcony for a look.

It turned out that her second sister was here.

Eunha approached the dormitory and saw that Mingyu was here. She forced out a dry smile. “Mingyu, why are you here? You must have come looking for Lisa.”

Mingyu nodded slightly. “There’s a bit of misunderstanding between us. I hope to resolve it.”

“Lisa is a good girl. You have to treat her well.” Eunha’s tone was extremely caring.

Several students were watching them. Someone asked her out of curiosity. “Are you talking about Lisa?”

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