393.You're Not Allowed To Let Him Down

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“Of course.” Eunha said, “I only know one person named Lisa. It’s my third sister.”

“Right now, the entire school knows about your sister. Isn’t she Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée? How is she related to this man? Why did you tell him to treat your sister well…”

“This… It’s not suitable for me to speak on this.” Eunha bit on her bottom lip and appeared as though there was more she wanted to say.


With this noise.

A bucket of water came spilling from above. It landed accurately on Eunha and Mingyu , drenching them thoroughly.

The two of them raised their heads in anger and saw Lisa holding a bucket on the second storey’s balcony. She grinned happily at them. “Hi! The water that was used to wash this lady’s feet smells great doesn’t it?”

“You!” Eunha was thoroughly soaked. She wore a thin dress today and with one splash, the fabric was clinging to her skin completely.

Mingyu also cut a sorry figure. In a fit of anger, he felt the urge to slap Lisa, the ugly whore, to death. However, the anger only appeared on his expression for a moment. He quickly replaced it with a refined and a disappointed one. “Lisa, I was in the wrong for what happened previously. I won’t blame you for doing this to me.”

His words made it seem as though she was not being sincere about treating him this way.

“Aiyo… there’s something shady going on.” The crowd watching them was growing.

Lisa snorted. “Shady my ass. Don’t be such gossip mongers.”

“You’re God Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée. If you let him down, you… it won’t be enough even if you died ten thousand times!” One of the female students spoke up.

“Just as you said, it’s only an ‘if’. I would never let Jungkook down, so I won’t have to die even once,” Lisa explained patiently.

Mingyu and Eunha were a pair of brainless, useless bastards. The more they attempted to stir everyone’s suspicion and dissatisfaction, the more she would make sure that things didn’t go their way.

Lisa pointed at Mingyu. “He is the same type of trash as Eunha. Their words cannot be trusted. Also, my second sister only spoke half of her story intentionally to cause all of you to misunderstand that there’s something between this drowned rat of a man and me. Aside from knowing each other when we were young, there is not a fart that exists between us. I implore everyone to consider this. My fiancé is so outstanding. Even if I were blind, I would never be taken with someone like him, ah!”

In her previous life, she had truly been fucking blind. She had neglected Jungkook, the ultra-gigantic diamond of a God, to turn to someone like that worthless Mingyu.

Her heart truly ached for her own foolishness.

Several girls sized Mingyu up from the side. Although his appearance and charisma were very impressive, there was no way he could compete with Jungkook.

They all felt that Lisa made sense and nodded their heads in agreement. “That’s true. Lisa is Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée. Even if she became foolish, she would never want to change her partner to someone else.”

“Lisa, how could you say that about me…” Mingyu’s expression was hurt. He stared at her gloomily.

He refused to believe that she had had a change of heart. After all, she had admired and loved him since they were young, didn’t she?

She was definitely playing hard to get.

He was certain that if he worked on her some more, she would definitely change her mind.

“I will look for you again.” Mingyu left these words behind before walking away in his drenched attire.

“It seems like he won’t give up, though?” One of the girls living in the same building raised her voice toward Lisa.

Lisa deliberated over this. “In that case, I’ll employ Brother Jae’s methods to welcome him the next time.”

“Fuck!” All the girls in this building knew that Lisa wasn’t afraid of snakes. She immediately responded. “If you’re going to use a live snake, please stay away from the dormitory. We’re all terribly afraid.”

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