400.Do You Believe Me? {1}

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Eunha had been paying close attention to him. She immediately assumed that his heart was aching for her. A hint of hope appeared in her heart.


She did occupy some space in Jungkook's heart?

If that wasn't the case, why would he have allowed her to stand by his side for so long on the stage of 'Warming Jing Hua University With Love'?

As her thoughts drifted, she immediately began fighting for her own interests. She sized Lisa up. "Third Sister, our class ended at 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon. I came here straight from school. Where have you been for the past four hours?"

She then carelessly mentioned. "Mingyu came to look for you in school today. Could it be that..."

Her words implied that she had left to meet Mingyu.

When Jungkook heard these words, his expression immediately turned frigid cold. His anger was clearly conveyed through his aura.

Lisa took in his change in expression. It was clear that he was suspicious of her.

She was slightly heartbroken that he trusted her so little even now. She had thought that with the recent intimacy, their relationship had already improved.

Yet, the moment Eunha brought Mingyu up, he became suspicious of her again.

Lisa turned around in anger and walked out of the Yu Ting Villa.

Jungkook reached out to hold her elbow as he asked heavily. "Where are you going?"

"Home!" She responded angrily.

Shuhai immediately spoke up. "Going home is good, going home is good. Lisa ah, your mom is especially regretful of her actions. It's all her fault that everyone misunderstood you to be unfilial. She's been crying at home everyday and waiting for you to come home..."

Jungkook glanced at him and cut him off. "Shut up!"

Shuhai was frightened into trembling. He did not dare say a single word.

Eunha, on the other hand, watched in amusement by the side. She knew that there wasn't any trust between Lisa and Jungkook. It would be best if their relationship turned sour over this fight. She would wait to reap the benefits.

Jungkook held Lisa in his arms. "This is your home. Even if you wish to return, you can only return to the Yu Ting Villa!"

Lisa responded angrily, "You don't even trust me!"

He furrowed his ink-black brows and appeared confused. "When did I not trust you?"

Lisa's expression was cold. "My second sister said that Mingyu came to school to visit me today. Aren't you thinking that I went on a date with him earlier?"

"Did you?" Jungkook appeared indifferent but his tone was extremely cold

She asked back coldly. "What do you think?"

If he dared to say yes, she would definitely...

She couldn't bear to end things with him, but she would definitely give him the cold shoulder for ten days!

Ten days seemed a little too long. Perhaps, seven... or three?

"You would never go on a date with him." Jungkook held her firmly in his arms. His tone was decisive.

Whenever he recalled Lisa's obvious feelings for Mingyu over the past ten years, he was always insecure.

Although her recent actions clearly proved that she did not have any feelings for Mingyu, he was still worried.

Jungkook had never understood the concept of fear. Even losing a limb or an eye would not bring him fear. The only thing that he actually feared... was losing Lisa!

He could not accept the slightest possibility that he would lose her.

However, he was a smart person and was not foolish enough to express the insecurity he felt.

He originally planned on disciplining her, but the sight of her small, angry figure caused his heart to ache.

He dared to bet that if he said 'yes', she would definitely be angry with him to the point of ignoring him.

He had grown to adore her obedient, soft attitude ever since she became his.

He never wanted things to return to the way they had been before, back when she always avoided him and fought with him!


[I'm planning to publish 2 new books which I'll be publishing with book 3 of TWMTBT and this story on 20th October]

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