394.A Few Minutes With Him Would Make Her Happy

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Lisa made an ‘okay’ gesture towards them. “Alright, You guys should disperse now. Don’t listen to my second sister’s rubbish. She is delusional. She spends every day of her life praying that something will happen between me and some other man. This way, she’ll be able to seduce Jungkook.”

“With her whorish, cheap figure, Jeon Jungkook would never be taken with her.” The crowd of students downstairs laughed loudly.

Eunha saw that her attempts to diss Lisa’s feelings for Jungkook had failed. Worse, Lisa had even delivered her a blow. Her complexion turned red from anger, yet she forced an aggrieved smile. “Third Sister, you’ve misunderstood me…”

“Fuck off, who is your third sister!” Lisa held her bucket and turned to return to her room.

“Lee Eunha, you dared to even have thoughts about your own fucking brother-in-law. It’s not surprising your third sister refuses to acknowledge you.” The other students shot her looks of disdain and slowly dispersed.

Eunha was angered to the point of trembling.

In the past, all the boys and girls in school chased after her calling her ‘Goddess Eunha’. At that time, they believed in her words wholeheartedly.

Back then, she could say anything she liked that was unpleasant towards Lisa and it used to be sufficient to drown Lisa in the public’s saliva.

She did not expect this drastic change to ever happen. At this moment, everyone was biased towards Lisa.

She was angered to death!

She lowered her head and sniffed her clothes. Although her drenched clothes didn’t smell much, she recalled that Lisa had used this water to wash her feet.

Eunha was disgusted to the point of wanting to vomit blood. She hurried into room 202 in the building to take a shower and change her clothes.

Lisa laid on the lower bunk bed in her room and was listening to Jungkook’s voice messages through her earphones.

[I’m boarding the plane soon. You have one minute. You say something that I would like to hear.]

The man’s heavy, cold voice was demanding. It carried a unique charm that could cause the masses to swoon.

She nearly became drunk listening to it.

Jungkook, even his voice was so charming!

She rushed to type a message out to him: [When will you be back?]

Her heart was anxious. She was fearful that he would leave for a long time again.

Jungkook sent her another voice message: [I’m leaving the country for an inspection. I’ll be able to come back home by 6:00 p.m. tonight. I’m commanding you to speak right now!]

Displeasure was dripping from his tone.

Lisa frowned.

What did he want her to say? Something he would like to hear…

She lifted her phone and recorded a ‘muah’ sound through the microphone.

Jungkook naturally understood that this was a kiss. He sent a satisfied expression back and accompanied it with these words: [Wait for me!]

She responded within seconds: [Stay safe.]

He was busy with several matters everyday and often had to fly here and there. His business was never-ending.

She had gotten to chat with him, even if it was only for a few minutes. She was deeply content.

She closed her eyes and napped for thirty minutes before she was woken up by a knocking noise against her dormitory room door.

Shuhua opened the door. “Eunha, it’s you, ah.”

Eunha smiled beautifully and turned towards Lisa’s bed. “Third Sister, I’m here to look for you.”

She saw that Lisa was not only no longer fat but had become extremely thin. It was as though a fire had been set ablaze in her heart. It hadn’t been easy drugging Lisa during these past few years for her to become as fat as a pig.

To think this fat pig had successfully lost all that weight! She was really angry!

“Scram.” Lisa rewarded her with one word. Her second sister was truly as difficult to deal with as a clingy ghost.

“Third Sister, I know I was in the wrong. I shouldn’t have pretended to be Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée.” Eunha began apologetically. “But I only did that because you like Mingyu…”

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