382.Keep The Money To Buy Sweets

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“Since she gave it to you, accept it.” Jungkook responded indifferently and felt a rare hint of curiosity. “Why are you returning her money to me?”

Baekhyun responded as though it was obvious. “Everyone knows that Lisa is still a student. The money she gave me naturally came from you. This is the same as your money.”

“I didn’t give her that money.”

“But the Lee family is so petty towards her…”

Jungkook cut him off. “Lisa won the lottery earlier and obtained thirteen million dollars of reward.”

“…!” Baekhyun was completely taken aback. “It turns out that the person rumoured to have won the grand prize, who dressed like spiderman to collect the reward, was actually Lalisa. Her luck sure is good.”

He made spitting noises twice and secretly glanced at the Commander. “Of course, her greatest blessing in this life was becoming your fiancée.”

“No.” Jungkook’s expression was mild as he responded in a heavy voice. “It’s my greatest blessing to have become her fiancé!”

“You’re not being serious, are you?”

“Will I joke about this?” Jungkook narrowed his cold eyes unhappily.

Baekhyun truly could not understand this. What was so good about Lisa? Although her figure was now good and her skin was fair, her face was still extremely ugly.

Forgive him for having such particular tastes! As he was naturally born handsome, he only knew to admire beautiful girls.

At Yu Ting Villa’s luxurious, beautiful backyard, Lisa sat on a chair to enjoy the sunlight.

The entire sky was dyed orange by the sun…

This scenery was more beautiful than anything she could have imagined!

Lisa laid back and closed her eyes to rest. A row of maids stood behind her waiting for her instructions.

With the status of Madam Jeon, the extravagance was bound to be on another level.

Bambam stood stiffly by her side and struggled to speak.

Lisa did not have to open her eyes to feel his flustered appearance. She maintained an aloof attitude and did not ask him about it.

But Bambam could not tolerate it any longer. He rubbed his palms together and laughed awkwardly. “Miss Lee, the sun is almost setting.”

“It is.”

He immediately began currying favour with her. “The sunset is truly beautiful. We’re almost approaching evening. Your choice to sunbathe here is truly a unique way to cultivate the mind.”

“Mm hmm.” She accepted his words nonchalantly.

Bambam hesitated. “Um… I didn’t return to my special training in the afternoon. If Boss is unhappy when he returns, the consequences will be dire.”


Bambam was unhappy. “Didn’t you say you would speak to Boss on my behalf? Why haven’t you made any calls to him?”

“Don’t phone calls require money? Also, I didn’t specify when I would speak up for you.”

“Do you have to be that stingy?” Bambam immediately took two dollars out from his pocket and offered it to her. “Here is the money for the phone call. You can keep the change.”

“Be obedient. Save the money to buy sweets for yourself.” Lisa did not take it from him.

She was not actually bothered by the money. Earlier, when she called Jungkook, he had been busy and she did not wish to disturb him.

“Great-aunt, hasn’t our relationship improved?” Bambam appeared on the verge of crying. “How did I offend you again?”

“Aside from being a little ugly…” She kindly reminded him.

Bambam wondered why these words were so familiar. He suddenly recalled saying it to her in the car earlier. “Aiyo, my great Madam. You’re still angry about that…”

“Go find any woman whom you know. Tell her that, ‘You’re fucking ugly’.”

“I… wouldn’t that be asking for death?”

She opened her arms. “That’s right.”

“Who is ugly?” Jungkook’s cold voice rang in her ear. Lisa sat up from the chair and watched as Jungkook approached.

He was dressed in a formal suit. Doctor Baekhyun followed right behind.

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