364.Can Filial Piety Be Measured By Money

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“Mom, I’m here!” Lisa suddenly appeared at the entrance.

Lilan was very surprised by her appearance. Her complexion was especially pale due to the amount of powder she had applied. She immediately put on a comforted expression. “Lisa, ah. You’ve finally come to visit Mom.”

Her tears rolled down her cheeks. “Please don’t blame me for using the media to force you to visit. Mom really just… misses you too much.”

There were several cameras in the hospital ward which were broadcasting everything that was happening live on all of the major television channels. God only knew how many times it would be further reposted on various social network sites.

No matter what, she had to convince all the netizens that Lisa was unfilial; that she had come visiting because of the pressure from the media.

The moment Lisa appeared, all the cameras turned to focus on her. “Miss Lee, may I ask, why didn’t you come to see your mother immediately when she met with a car accident?”

“Are you here now due to the pressure from the public?”

“This matter has gotten a lot of attention. Most of the netizens feel that you are unfilial. Don’t you think it’s a little late to be visiting now?”

The polite, yet sharp questions left Lisa silent.

Lilan watched her remain speechless from where she laid on the bed. She felt extremely pleased.

A hint of ruthless pleasure appeared in her eyes.

This was exactly what she wanted, to ruin the reputation of Lisa, this whore and to utterly destroy her. Soon, the entire world would be scolding her!

Lisa was only silent for a few seconds before responding with a question. “Can filial piety be measured by money?”


No one expected her to ask such a question. Several reporters were taken aback.

At the same time, the audience watching the live-stream on their phones started leaving angered comments:

[Lalisa really doesn’t know what shame is. How can filial piety be measured by money?]

[Actually, I think it can be. After all, in recent years, giving money to our parents is a way to express love.]

[Although that is true, sincerity is the most important. From what I see, Lalisa is relying on her status as Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée to discard her familial relationships! She is truly a black-hearted woman!]

(Are public opinions sooo unreasonable, stupid and annoying!?)

In the hospital room, Lilan suddenly laughed miserably. “Lisa, Mom knows that ever since you were lifted up by the Jeon family, you’ve become complacent. But how can filial piety be measured with money? Besides… You’re only a Year 2 University student. You haven’t earned even a single cent. How have you been filial to me through money!”

Although she sounded like she was nagging, her words were cearly announcing her pitiful status and backing Lisa into a corner.

“Mom, go on.” A hint of hurt flashed past Lisa’s indifferent gaze.

Her tone was also gloomy. “Let me hear exactly how many mistakes I’ve made in your eyes.”

“Since you claim that money can replace filial piety, let me ask you. The Lee Corporation is currently facing financial problems. Have you asked the Jeon family for any help?” Lilan’s expression was that of heartbreak. “You haven’t. You won’t contribute through money or effort. Even as I lay here, I have to rely on the media to force you to appear… You’re not even suited to be a human!”

When the reporters heard this, their gazes were filled with disdain as they looked at Lisa.

Jungkook stood in the hallway. His expression was extremely dark and his figure was stiff.

Lilan, this whore! She was really asking for a beating!

Lisa smiled bitterly. “It turns out that, to my mother, I’m not even suited to be a person.”

A reporter asked her firmly. “Miss Lee, as a… person working in the media, I don’t know how to judge your actions. I only wish to ask one question. Do you regret your actions?”

Lisa’s expression clearly conveyed her pain. “No. I’ve never regretted anything.”

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