316.You Don't Even Care If Your Birth Mother Is In A Car Accident

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Ten SUVs drove through the bustling city, forming an extravagant sight, before coming to a stop before the Lee family’s villa entrance.

Their neighbours immediately came out of their homes to spectate.

Twenty to thirty bodyguards alighted from the car without any expressions. They stood neatly in a row and carried an intimidating aura. The people watching them could only do so from afar. No one dared to take a step closer.

“Wow… what a powerful entrance. Who is it?” A bystander exclaimed.

“Is there a need to ask? Of course it’s our country’s idol, Jeon Jungkook!” Another neighbour shot him a look as though he was an idiot. He then peeked into the first car’s window. “I never expected to be this lucky today. To think I would see Jeon Jungkook in person.”

“He casually lifted a finger and donated a billion dollars to Jing Hua University, ah. The viewer ratings for that event were extremely high. More than twenty channels have been broadcasting it repeatedly. Lalisa is so lucky. She actually became Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée.”

“My daughter just turned twenty-two. Why doesn’t she have a rich, powerful and handsome husband whom everyone loves…” One of the uncles from a neighbouring home lamented.

Shuhai came running out of the Fang family’s front yard. He bowed toward Jungkook, who was inside the car. “CEO Jeon, it is our greatest honour to receive your visit!”

“Where is Lisa?” His tone was cold and it was clear that he had no intention of making small talk.

“Lisa isn’t back yet…” Shuhai was confused. “I saw on the television that she boarded the same helicopter as you did. Isn’t she with you?”

Jungkook pursed his lips silently. He then shot Bambam a look.

Bambam immediately led several bodyguards with him into the villa to search.

Within a few minutes, he returned to report. “Boss, Lalisa isn’t inside.”

Shuhai immediately responded., “CEO Jeon, Lisa really isn’t at home. If she was, I would never have dared to lie to you. Speaking of which, Lalisa, that child, she is really unfilial. My sister-in-law was involved in an accident and is currently in the hospital. The hospital called her urgently yet she didn’t respond. She didn’t even reply to their messages. Right now, I don’t even know where she is. Her birth mother met with a car accident yet she won’t even visit her at the hospital…”

The neighbours watching by the side immediately began whispering. “I never expected Lalisa to be such a person. She doesn’t even care about her own mother…”

“That’s right.” A well-dressed, wealthy looking middle-aged woman responded. “You guys may not know of it, but my daughter is good friends with the Lee family’s second daughter, Eunha. I heard from Eunha that Lisa’s character has problems…”

Jungkook’s expression darkened. He shifted his sharp gaze over to the side.

The middle-aged lady had planned to continue badmouthing Lisa. However, when she received Jungkook’s warning gaze, she immediately trembled in fear. She did not dare to speak any further.

“Who is she?” Jungkook was clearly asking about the middle-aged woman.

Shuhai was about to respond when Butler Zhao spoke up. “Responding to Young Master, this person is Eunha’s good friend, Jung Yerin’s mother. Her name is Kong Meixian. She is also the Lee family’s neighbour.”

Previously, when he had carried out orders to deliver clothes to Lisa, he had met with Yerin and Kong Meixian multiple times. They often came by as guests.

Thus, he knew this without having to investigate their background.

“Neighbours…” Jungkook lifted one corner of his lip ambiguously. He gave Butler Zhao a signal.

Butler Zhao immediately understood and opened the car door.

The moment Jungkook stepped out of the car, his tall and broad figure with his impeccable suit became the centre of everyone’s attention.

“Jeon Jungkook is even more cool and handsome than he appears on television!” The crowd could not help but exclaim.

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