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Lisa’s expression remained unmoved like the surface of a lake. “Is it unusual just because you say it is?”

Sana immediately caught onto the main point. “In other words, you’re admitting that you visited Qian Shan Wan twelve days ago?”


“Very good! I went back and investigated this matter. The owner of that villa is Chou Zhiming. Coincidentally, on the day you visited, both his wife and children were not present.” Sana put on an expression of disdain.

“A young woman like you spent more than an hour in a villa alone with a middle-aged uncle. Don’t you feel any shame? Don’t you know how to avoid being noticed? Of course, since you are his kept woman, there’s nothing for you to worry about.”

Lisa harrumphed in return. “Sana, ah, you’re accusing someone of such a dirty matter. But where is your evidence? Your teeth are white and your lips are red. With the way you’re slandering me right now, aren’t you worried that you’ll have an endless supply of shit to eat in the future?”

“You!” Sana gritted her teeth. “I bet you’re pretending to be calm when you know you’re in trouble.”

“Lisa, how could you say something so crude?” Lilan reprimanded her. “Our Lee family is an upper-middle class family. We are well-educated. ‘Shit’… how could you say a word like that?”

Lisa refuted her. “Didn’t you just say it too?”

“I…” Lilan saw that Jungkook was completely unbothered by Lisa’s words. She immediately brought back the topic.

She pretended to be a loving mother and said, “Sana, you are classmates with our Lisa. I believe that our Lisa won’t have such relations with a middle-aged man. You can’t slander our Lisa’s reputation.”

She then showed a trusting expression towards Lisa. “Daughter, Mom is on your side. I believe in your innocence.”

“Auntie, I’m not someone who lies. I have evidence.” Sana brought out a stack of photos from her bag. “CEO Jeon, please look at this.”

Jungkook did not respond, nor did he make any move to take the photos from her.

Sana could only place the photos on the coffee table.

Lisa picked them up. “Aren’t these just photos of Chou Zhihong sending me out? It’s very normal. He doesn’t look unhappy to be sending me away. My clothes are also tidy.”

“When I saw the both of you, your clothes were messy. But, by the time I took these photos, you had already tidied yourself up…”

Lisa looked at her as though she was an idiot. This dumb woman was happily accepting the role of a scapegoat.

The person who had followed after her that day had clearly been Eunha.

Since this Minatozaki girl enjoyed being the scapegoat so much, she could only grant her wishes. “My good classmate, could you please grow some brain cells? I’m not stupid. Even if I was meeting someone secretly, would I leave the door looking unkempt? Besides, Chou Zhihong is an elder. How could I possibly have any relations with him?”

“Are there no relations just because you say so?” Sana mocked her. “I followed you for the entire day that day. After leaving Hong Shan Wan, you visited the bank to check your account balance. After that, you went to buy a house.”

Upon hearing this, Jungkook lifted his brows silently. Why was his precious girl buying a house? If she liked houses, he could easily gift twenty villas to her.

Sana assumed that Lisa was convinced by her words. She turned to Lilan. “Auntie Lee, you didn’t give Lisa any money to buy a house, did you?”

“No.” Lilan shook her head honestly.

Sana sighed. “The houses in the city centre are so expensive. Each apartment can go up to a million dollars. Lisa, you actually paid for an apartment in the Hong Sheng district at one go!”

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