257.He Was Lalisa's Fiancé

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He suddenly felt that, despite all her acne, she possessed a unique charisma.

His youthful heart was suddenly moved.

Lisa squeezed the used cotton bud and wet tissue into a crumpled roll. Then, she tossed it accurately into the rubbish bin twenty metres away. Her movement was extremely cool!

Yu Liang was dazed. He seemed to have forgotten that he was stuck to the artificial grass.

Jaehyun, who had been watching the scene with his binoculars, rushed over. Upon seeing the situation, he asked. “Yu Liang, what’s wrong with you? I asked you to push Lisa into the glue patch. Why did you roll into it yourself?”

“Brother Jae, I…” Yu Liang stared at the expressionless Lisa and suddenly felt thankful that he did not harm her earlier.

Lisa gave Jaehyun a dark look and rewarded him with one word. “Childish!”

“Who did you just call childish?” Jaehyun was about to lose his temper when she turned around to leave. She was clearly too lazy to banter with him.

“Brother Jae, what do I do now? I can’t tear myself away from this…” Yu Liang was on the verge of tears.

The other students also cried for help.

Jaehyun pointed at the nearby, man-made lake. “If you jump in there for a wash, the glue will melt away.”

“I can’t swim. Will it work if I take a shower?” One female student asked carefully.

“Nonsense, of course it will.” Jaehyun took in their sorry figures. “This Young Master was involved in this. I’ll compensate everyone with two hundred dollars.”

Someone immediately cheered. “Thank you, Brother Jae!”

For some students, two hundred dollars was nearly equal to their one month of expenses.

Lisa finally arrived safely at the canteen.

It was lunchtime and the cafeteria was extremely full.

The moment she appeared, nearly all the students turned to take in her presence.

“Wow, Lalisa, you’re still alive?” Her classmate Shuhua, watched her in fascination.

“Quickly look at the photos on the forum. Brother Jae set up ‘three traps’ for Lisa earlier. To think that she is still living safely, she is really too lucky!”

All the students were discussing various issues about her.

However, no one brought up the identity of her fiancé again.

She swiped her card and bought a set of one meat and two vegetables. She found a seat and sat down.

While eating, she entered the school forum on her phone. As expected, her earlier ‘experience’ was thoroughly documented on the forum.

More than a hundred accounts were discussing the plight of Yu Liang’s sorry figure. Yu Liang was Brother Jae’s most loyal follower. They would have never expected him to have a moment of clumsiness like this.

Everyone felt that Lisa was doomed for even worse consequences than these.

Lisa frowned but remained unfazed by this matter.

However, she had found a different forum. Someone had posted that Lisa’s fiancé was Kim Hanbin, the spoiled son of a wealthy family. They even posted pictures of standing her in front of a particular villa to meet him.

Looking at this photo, Lisa recalled the event.

More than ten days ago, she had visited Qian Shan Wan, Chou Zhiming’s villa to seek Mr. Abott out. They had further discussed the matter of the game, ‘Fantasy of War’.

Kim Hanbin coincidentally stayed in that area.

On that day, she did bump into Kim Hanbin. However, the two of them did not interact. They only coincidentally brushed shoulders.

However, from the way this photo was taken…

It seemed as though they were facing each other, as though they were on a date.

[Although Kim Hanbin is one of the wealthy Young Masters in the country, he is a famous playboy. He has had more than thirty girlfriends.]

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