338.Eating Human Flesh

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Shuhai considered the matter and said, “I was not that out of line. It’s our busybody neighbour, Meixian, who insisted on chattering about Lisa’s actions. I only added some fuel to the fire standing on the side. Even if someone was to suffer, it should have been Meixian. Why did I become the unlucky target? After being hospitalised, I gave Meixian a call. That woman is unharmed.”

“In that case, it might not be Jungkook.” Lilan deliberated. “That makes things easier to handle.”

“Easy my ass! I’m almost dying from anger!” Shuhai grumbled in resentment. “They even dared to beat up Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée’s second uncle. No matter who they are, once I learn of their identity, I’ll definitely ask Jungkook to stand up for me!”

“I don’t have the energy to deal with you.” Lilan glanced at Eunha, who laid on the other bed. “Lalisa, that cheap whore! She dared to bully my Eunha. I am going to show her the consequences!”

The next day, when Lisa woke up, there was no one by her side. She wasn’t sure where Jungkook had gone.

She was a little disappointed. She had hoped to wake up in his embrace.

If the first thing she saw in the morning was a handsome man with unparalleled beauty, that would truly be nourishment for her eyes.

She stretched her body and went to wash up. After that, she changed into a set of sportswear.

She stepped onto the balcony attached to the main bedroom and took in the view. The well-maintained garden was beautiful. There were little paths with trees providing shade and a marble bench surrounded by delicate flowers. The entire view was gorgeous. A distance away, the Yu Ting Villa was protected by an European style perimeter wall. The entire estate was even more extravagant than the famous holiday villas!

Not only was the master of this place extremely powerful, even those who had the opportunity to work here were extremely honoured.

Lisa admired the place and searched for Jungkook’s silhouette.

In the enormous, glistening blue pool, a man was swimming.

In fact, the pool water itself was not blue. The light blue ceramic tiles at the bottom of the pool caused the transparent water to appear blue.

With the man’s movement, the surface of the water rippled and reflected the sunlight.

Although the man’s body was submerged under water, his figure still looked amazing. This was the Yu Ting Villa’s private pool. Aside from Jungkook, no one else would swim here.

Lisa stared at him. His figure was cool and handsome. Furthermore, he easily swam over sixty metres in one breath. As someone who could not swim, she was truly amazed.

Most people would only be able to swim twenty to thirty metres in one breath. If sixty metres wasn’t his limit, perhaps he could even swim competitively.

Jungkook’s head poked out of the surface of the water. He seemed to have noticed her gaze. He swam towards the staircase by the side of the pool and stepped out.

He was only wearing a pair of swimming trunks. He was tall and his body was well-trained. The sight of him was extremely powerful!

Sparkling droplets of water rolled down his body. Under the sunlight, he seemed to be emitting a seductive, masculine charm.

Lisa’s eyes were shining with thirst. She dearly wished to be one of those water droplets. This way, she would be able to press against his figure and touch his absolutely perfect body…

“Miss Lee, what do you wish to have for breakfast?”

“I want to eat a human.”

Zhao Cheng stood behind her respectfully to ask. He was surprised for a moment. He had not expected this answer.

However, Young Master had instructed that Miss Lee was feeling unwell. No matter what she wished to have, they had to make it happen. “That’s not impossible. Would you prefer grilled, steamed, deep-fried, stir-fried or boiled?”

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