242.Eunha Sows Discord

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“Lisa, how could you do that, you fat bitch? Since you were the one who decided not to take your sister’s car, you don’t have the right to blame anyone.” Jaehyun glanced at her and pretended to spit on the floor. “Your house is around ten kilometres away from school, isn’t it? Look at you, you actually covered the distance by foot. Fuck, you even saved up on this small amount of bus money. Exactly how poor are you? In the entire school, if you admit to being the most poor, no one will dare admit that they are the second most poor.”

Before Lisa could speak up, Eunha responded. “Third sister, no matter how thrifty you are, there’s no way you are saving the small change you need for public transport. Those who don’t know might think that the Lee family is torturing you. But actually, you’re running for the sake of losing weight. Everyone, if you take a closer look, you’ll realise that my sister is much thinner than before.”

“Hahaha!” Jaehyun took in Lisa’s fat figure. “Fattie Lee, you fat pig. No matter how much weight you lose, I bet you still weigh more than eighty kilograms. With so much weight, you’re basically the sum of two normal people. No matter what you do, how much weight could you possibly lose?”

Another male student named Yu Liang, who usually followed Jaehyun around, chipped in. “Besides, you’re not Eunha. Even if you lose weight, with that face of yours, you’ll still frighten everyone to death!”

“Hahaha!” All of the students standing around them burst into laughter again. Their gaze was filled with mocking as they stared at Lisa.

Eunha gazed at Lisa from the corner of her eyes. She was waiting for Lisa to act like the way she used to in the past. She used to run away and look for a hidden corner to cry.

Eunha would then pretend to go and comfort her.

Everytime, the dumb wench ended up being grateful to her and lost the courage to come to school again.

To her surprise, Lisa appeared unfazed at the moment. She looked at everyone with a cold and sharp gaze. “You’re all students from Jing Hua University, the top university in the country. Our school is famous for its rich culture, elegance and the character that this place holds. What about you guys?”

She pointed at herself. “The way that I appear right now… is not something that I chose. Let’s not talk about character. Let’s just talk about basic human values. You’re all students from the most famous university in the country. But you stand here to mock someone for their appearance, and you find pleasure in looking down on someone for their figure. Where are your basic human values?”

The group of young men and women who were busy laughing finally felt an ounce of shame. Everyone fell silent.

Eunha became frustrated with Lisa’s smart mouth but thankfully Jaehyun spoke up. “Lisa, don’t spout nonsense. Those words are meant for normal people. Yes, you’re ugly. You’re not liable for being ugly. But you’re at fault for coming here and giving us a fright! Fuck, you could star in a horror film with that face. This young master nearly had a heart attack. If you frightened me to death, do you have the ability to compensate me?”

Lisa harrumphed coldly. “Why don’t you go ahead and die? This way, you’ll know if I’ll be able to afford it. Jung Smelly Mouth, one day, your father will blind your dog eyes!”

She could not be bothered to waste her breath on him any further. She stepped around him and headed into one of the nearby school buildings.

Jaehyun cursed angrily. “Fattie Lee, what did you just call me? Did you just call yourself my father? Come back here and speak clearly!”

“Brother Jae, she said that your mouth stinks…” Yu Liang spoke quietly by his side.

“Don’t be a busybody!” Jaehyun gritted his teeth in anger. “That damn fat bitch. She even dared to offend me. I’ll let her know what it’s like to die!”

Although Eunha put on a helpless expression, she was extremely pleased by this turn of events. This way, she could watch Lisa suffer without having to do anything herself.

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